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    Hi Gill,
    Just wanted to say that I am so sorry to read your post and I send you both all my best wishes,



    Hi Mark,

    I am so sorry to hear about your dad. Don't look for survival rates – the illness is so individual and the research is developing.
    My friend John was diagnosed a year ago and he also had a tumor. He got radiotherapy, chemotherapy and a stemcell transplant. Now he is back working full time and doing really well.

    I remember when I "arrived" at this place in panic and full of sorrow, people told me "there is a life after being diagnosed with myeloma". They were right!

    All the best to you and your dad.



    Hi David,

    2.2 after only 10 weeks is very good. Remember they can drop further down at least the next 4 months and as long as they are below 5 they are good!

    John is almost 6 months post sct and at his latest check (end January) it had dropped from 2.4 to 1.7. We are so happy!

    Did you ever get an answer regarding the blood versus the bone marrow test and response?

    All the best,




    When is your next appointment? I am really curious to hear what they tell you.
    Here I have copy pasted my question and the response from the nurse:

    My friend aged 59 was diagnosed with mm this March. At that time his M component was 37. In August he got a sct and at the first monthly check the M component had dropped to one tenth: 3.7. On the next check it was dropped to 2.4. He was told there was no visible sign of the disease in his bone marrow (they made a biopsy). However the doctor didn't tell if he got a complete response or very good partial response. Could you tell me that? Thanks in advance!

    Dear Amelie

    Thank you for your email. My name is Ellen Watters and I am the Myeloma Information Nurse Specialist here at Myeloma UK. Although I am unable to comment or give advice on individual cases I hope that the following will help clarify things for you.

    A complete response (remission) means that there is no evidence of myeloma i.e. that a bone marrow biopsy shows less than 5% of plasma cells or that there is no paraprotein detected from blood tests. However, most doctors are very pleased if a patient?s paraprotein reaches a stable plateau after a stem cell transplant. This means that there is still some evidence of paraprotein but it is at a low but stable level. If there is a greater than 90% reduction in paraprotein this would be classified as a very good partial response.

    It is important to note here that it is not just how much the level of paraprotein has dropped by after treatment but also how long it remains at low levels (known as the duration of response). Patients can continue to respond to a stem cell transplant for up to about 6 months after the procedure, so your friend?s paraprotein may fall even further.

    I hope that this has been of some help, but please do not hesitate to get back in touch if you have any further questions or would like to talk things over. I can be contacted directly by email as before or on the freephone Myeloma Infoline 0800 980 3332, which is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

    Kind regards

    Ellen Watters (RGN)
    Myeloma Information Nurse Specialist



    Ok I am looking forward to hear what they tell you! Somewhere I read that "normal" people have a M component between 0 and 5 which means as long as it isn't more than 5 everything is fine.
    However I find everything I have read quite unclear and contradictory.

    Kindest regards,



    Hi David,

    John's protein was 37 when he was diagnosed. After sct it dropped to 3.7 and further down to 2.4. Now we are awaiting the result of his latest blood test.

    I still haven't figured out what the paraprotein level means regarding to response. John was told there was no evidence of the disease in his bone marrow – but whether that or the paraproterin level counts the most I can't find out. I have been reading a lot and I asked the nurse from this site, but the answer wasn't completely clear to me.




    Thanks a lot for asking! It is very good to know.



    You have the right attitude! I wish I could convince John to use the hand gel.



    Ok, now it seems it wasn't a flu, he is ok and back to work. What a drama for nothing 😀
    Hopefully it means it isn't too late to have the flu jab.



    Just want to send you my best wishes for a great result with the pomalidomide.



    Thank you Tom!
    I have told him to see the doctor and usually he listens to me, so I hope he will do it. At the moment I am terrified.



    Celgene is applying for further approval in Europe so Revlimid can be used as maintenance:



    Good to hear that you are home! Well done!



    Thank you so much for the advice, Min. I will tell John straight away to see the doctor.

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