so glad they have have come up with a new plan, THALIDOMIDE is a bit of a wonder drug I so hope it works again for Peter. Did you know how they dicovered it worked for MM they were treating patients for Leprosy and they happen to treat some one who also had MM a eureka moment the MM was put into remmission and they discovered it was the thalidomide you never know whats round the corner
Thinking of you both
Love Jo xx
so glad they are sorting out your pain and you will not have to worry about get an appointment with the Docs its like getting in Fort Knox at my doctors it fills me with dread if this new NHS thing goes through and they are in charge
Love and big Hugs Jo 😎
Hello Roberta Eve and Angelina and Min
A good friend of mine once said to me change your KARMA let go of what you cannot contol and you will get back what is right in your life, in times of crisis true friends and family will be there for you and thats all that is important:-)
Love to you all Jo big ((((hugs))))
I am so sorry to hear about Peter my thoughts and prayers are with you perhaps a new test will show up something better they often get some of my test wrong at my local hospital so I have to retest they mentioned to me at UCH if all else fails they may go back to CDT as it worked first time
maybe this could work for Peter
Hello alastair
I am under DR kwee Yong at UCH lONDON she is a recognised expert in the field of Myeloma you could try there if you are able to travel they have a very good team in the care of Myeloma
sorry I caanot give you any comment about Velcade but I put a lot of thought and prayers for you all if I could send it down the wire I would 🙂 like Tom I dont have all the words but lots love and hugs 😎
So sorry your RT treament has not worked I hope they can sort you out and give you some relief:-) glad the pomalidomide is holding the MM lets hope it soon starts to get rid of it my thoughts are with you
SO sorry you had to join this club it has been a great comfort to me as I am sure it will be to you when you are in the darkest places there is always someone with advise and comforting words I now its hared to find anyone in the big wide world that has heard of Myeloma that is why this site is so important
I had cdt treatment I was 61 I tolerated it pretty well except the emotional bits with the hated DEX I have had MM for 2.5 years now or that was when it was diagnosed I am sure I had it for quite a bit before that there are people in my clinic about your husbands age who are doing very well on the medication so hopefully he will be fine
so glad slim is home you can build him up now you can feed him on all the things he likes, you really do find out true friends in times of trouble dont you, sounds as if you have some really good ones
Keep us posted