sandydeli started the topic 5 years today in the forum General 9 years ago
Five years today I got called to my doctors surgery and given the news You’v got multiple myeloma What ??? As a lot of us on hear I’d never heard of it. Stem cell transplant in the September that year and been fairly ok since then a little blip just before Christmas when light chains started to rise but now seam ok. My main worry is the b…..d…[Read more]
sandydeli replied to the topic Light chains active. in the forum General 9 years, 2 months ago
Hi Jan no urine sample it was just on my blood results. I’m not sure what the levels were I was’nt really listening as it was a shock and doc was saying how do I feel ? I said well I knew it would come back but not so soon 4 years since SCT. He was saying things like he was so sorry. My old doc was so much better said it how it was did everything…[Read more]
sandydeli started the topic Light chains active. in the forum General 9 years, 2 months ago
Hi any one got any advice on my light chains rising ? Saw my consultant 2 weeks ago and told me my myeloma was starting to be active again and he wants to see me on 7th of January is pose to see if they’ve rising any more ? My question for all you lovel people is The day after this appointment my friends want me to go to Benidorm for a long…[Read more]
sandydeli replied to the topic New in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 10 months ago
Hello again Ann Jan has said just what I was thinking !!!!! I thought you would have been on cemo tablets now??? Then as she says you get a big dose just before your transplant, when I'm afraid your hair will start to come out 🙁 but the good news is it comes back curly 🙂
As for my pain I just take pain killers when it's really bad. It's true…[Read more]
sandydeli replied to the topic New in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi Ann just been reading all your messages what a lot lol, so I thought I'd just say hello too 🙂
I was diagnosed 2 years gone March after nearly a year of rib back and hip pain going back and forward to doctors being fob'd off with muscle pain and in the end rhumatisim !!!!! Till in the end a blood result came back and the big shock MM witch…[Read more]
sandydeli replied to the topic Three monthly check-up in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi wow !!!!! so glad to hear some good news and give people hope 🙂
Good luck with your move.
sandydeli replied to the topic my mum has myeloma. first time post in the forum Newcomers 12 years ago
Hi Ner sorry to hear about your mum sounded really bad !!! I was the same starting with rib pain, back, then finally my left hip and as your mum the doctor kept saying it was muscular !!!!! Anyway eventually after nearly a year a blood test came back and the bomb shell news myeloma !!!!
Started on cemo thalidomide and steroids and eventually my…[Read more]
sandydeli replied to the topic Disability Living Allowance in the forum General 12 years ago
Hi Tom just saw this discuss'ion and just thought I'd put my two peneth in lol
It's two years yesterday that I was diagnosed big big shock !!!!! Anyway two years on after all the treatment sct ect I'm doing ok'ish !!!! But I'v not worked since I couldn't like you I had a six start on my feet all day cutting bacon I struggled for a whole year…[Read more]
sandydeli replied to the topic Chemo brain, chemo fog in the forum Side-effects 12 years ago
Hi Lorry I see you say You'v had shingle pain for 6 months !!!!!! I'v just come down with shingles this week and the pain was horriable at first I thought it was my myeloma back but then realised it was a different pain more like a stabbing !!! Anyway now the rash has come out and I'm on anti viral tablets 5 times a day and pain killers feeling a…[Read more]
sandydeli replied to the topic Second anniversary visit to haematology in the forum General 12 years, 2 months ago
Hi Helen glad to hear your news I think I'm a year behind you and I'm feeling good !!! Think I'm under the same prof Mr. Jackson ??? And yes he is a charmer.
Hope your caugh disappear's soon and you have a great Xmas and new year xxx
All the best Sandra x
sandydeli replied to the topic Is it coming back in the forum General 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi Wendy sorry to hear You'v got pain, as you know I was getting pain in my hip when I saw you in the summer, and after X-ray cat scan then MRI under mr. Orr the orthapedic consultant they said I'd a fractured hip !!!!!! No wonder I was in pain ???
Anyway he said it was healing nicely and there was nothing to do oh apart from to start using my…[Read more]
sandydeli started the topic Teeth.. in the forum Side-effects 12 years, 6 months ago
I was just wondering if any one had problems with their teeth after stem cell transplant ?? And if they'd had any taken out ?? If so was there any infection afterwards ???
sandydeli replied to the topic Stem cell transplant in the forum Carers 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Cathy it's nearly a year since my transplant, so my memories a bit vague but I remember being sick on the sixth day after transplant and feeling yuck for the next few days but after that I started to feel better. The only thing I could face to eat was a banana and rich tea biscuit's. Wet wipes for the toilet we'r a must and fizzy water to…[Read more]
sandydeli replied to the topic Hello to All in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi there just wanted to say hello and glad You'v found this site it's a god send . Sandra.
sandydeli replied to the topic itchy rash in the forum Side-effects 12 years, 10 months ago
Yes I'v mentioned on here before about my itchy spots since my sct in oct. last year!!! Doc gave me anti hystemines witch help'd a little but think its something we've just to live with !!!
sandydeli replied to the topic hi in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi there, if you need to know anything this is the site for you ask anything and someone will give a good answer. I know you'll all still be in shock but it does get better and things are not as bad as you first think.
I had stem cell transplant in October and now in remission.
So anytime you need help just ask.
sandydeli replied to the topic Joint pain in the forum Side-effects 12 years, 10 months ago
Sorry I ment Helen !!!
sandydeli replied to the topic Joint pain in the forum Side-effects 12 years, 10 months ago
Thanks Kay x
sandydeli replied to the topic Facebook in the forum General 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi carol yes I use face book so does Wendy and jet off here. I tried to find you but there was a few carol bradbury's if you type me in Sandra Abraham there's a picture with me and my two mates request me as a friend if you like !!!
sandydeli replied to the topic Joint pain in the forum Side-effects 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi everyone so glad to hear its not just me with pains after my sct , it's now 7 months since mine and my pain in my back and ribs we'r worrying me !!! Thinking my myeloma was back !!,
I went on holiday end of march never again legs swelt up on flight never went down all holiday then came home with a stonking cold !!!! Doc thought I might have a…[Read more]