Hi I am a newcomer this is my first posting! The reason I contacted Myeloma U!K was because since my STP in July 2011 I have been suffering with skin and rash problems affecting my back shoulders and sides and then my upper torso up to my shoulders around breast and into arm pits. I have tried antihistamines and numerous creams which help a little but the itchy sensitivity just drives me crazy. At one point I was getting sharp like a hot needle stabbing sensations almost like my nerve endings were involved. I have reported it to my doctors and initially they felt it could be fungal related, but the fungal cream prescribed has not helped. I have since been told that I should see a dermatologist. Hearing that others have suffered similar problems has helped a little as the doctors have not said that this is a side effect and I had thought it was only me that this had happened to. I am encouraged by the few posts which have said that it clears up in 6 months or so.
It's nice to be able to discuss without feeling embarrassed.
Love Cally