
  • Carol replied to the topic holidays etc in the forum General 10 years, 1 month ago

    Hello Val – We have a second home in Brittany which my husband Allan and I enjoy spending as many weeks as we can there. Allan was diagnosed during 2011 and even when he was going through his initial chemo treatment, his Consultant was happy for him to go providing our local Doctor in France had alls his meds on his computer should necessity…[Read more]

  • Carol posted a new activity comment 11 years, 1 month ago

    Hello Perkýmite

    Allan my better half had a similar problem when on chemo and was advised by the Consultant (at Musgrove, Taunton) that because one of the drugs was thalidomide it was likely to cause blood clots so I was prescribed aspirin. Part way thro treatment I developed painful legs and was advised to return to Musgrove, have an ultra scan…[Read more]

  • Carol replied to the topic Hereditary link???? in the forum General 12 years, 9 months ago

    My husband Allan was diagnosed May of last year and so I have been keeping up to date with all your comments as and when. I felt I had to reply to this one as Allan's Mum died of the same cancer i.e. Multiple Myeloma and I think there must be some pre-disposition. Allan is 71 now and went through his CTD last year. He is fairly stable now -…[Read more]