Hi. My husband has just started Velcaide. He had his SCT 5yrs ago and has been on Thalidamide. He almost had to do a trial at Birmingham Hosp but (Thank God) Sarah at Myeloma UK helped get funding for it at Burton. The trial would have been fine but it was 50/50 that he would get the back up drug that goes with it. So I would suggest to get ALL the information you can about the trial. What drugs are involved, what they hope to achieve from it, the treatment that would be ideal for you at this time and the advantages/ disadvantages to having another treatment now. If you have a drug now "just to see if it will help" you will void getting it if/ when you need it in the future. That's a treatment that could be wasted… Think LONG & HARD about doing anything and everything. The NHS & PCTs can be miserable to deal with when it comes to treatments for MM. We have been trying to get the Velcaide for a year… Unfortunately patients are only a number and price tag to those people…
Best of Luck!!