
  • Dear Roz,
    You showed immense courage and determination. I'm sure you were a rock and a source of strength for Michael,

  • Eva replied to the topic Swine flu Jab in the forum Treatment 14 years, 2 months ago

    Hi David,
    Well I guess I could walk a couple of miles or even further, now that it's a couple of years post transplant. After a month at home I was able to walk about a mile. My motivation was high because my husband was escorting me to a restaurant for lunch. However, my energy levels didn't ever come back to normal though quality of life is…[Read more]

  • Eva replied to the topic Swine flu Jab in the forum Treatment 14 years, 2 months ago

    Dear David,
    It's disputable whether immunity survives properly after an ASCT. An additional point: I do remember reading somewhere that in order to be immunised successfully you need to be able to mount a proper immune response to the innoculation. That might not happen until a number of months after the ASCT, as your immunoglobulins are likely…[Read more]

  • Eva replied to the topic Musings from Ward 9 in the forum Treatment 14 years, 3 months ago

    Dear David,
    I hope the rest of your time in hospital goes well. When I was at your stage of the transplant my brain began to shut down and I was only able to do the last thing to go – that is talk on the phone, of course!
    Am including a photo I took today of our railway station house in Scotland. It's as cold as it looks outside, though inside…[Read more]

  • Eva replied to the topic Not so good today in the forum Treatment 14 years, 3 months ago

    Dear Kevin,
    I wanted to send you my very best wishes. Is there any chance you could have a delayed reaction to the transplant? What other options are the oncs considering?
    I'm in the north of Scotland, at home. My place is a railway station and there's lots of snow all around. I'm including two photos for you – one of our place from the outside…[Read more]

  • Eva replied to the topic Stem Cell Transplant in the forum Treatment 14 years, 3 months ago

    Dear Arlene,
    How old is your dad? I know that the word 'sepsis' means infection, so your father's doctors have already had to meet the challenge of fighting an infection while he was on treatment. How did your dad respond to antibiotics?
    For most people there is a very low mortality rate for ASCT. As far as I know it is possible to treat…[Read more]

  • Dear JDAX,
    Any idea what dose of acetyl c. and alpha lipoic acid might be appropriate?

  • Eva replied to the topic I got here at last in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago

    Hi – this is Eva. Got here. Now I have to work out how to attach a photo!