Gaye replied to the topic Access to Pomalidomide and Bendamustine in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
Dear Tina – Patrick has certainly been through the mill but I am sure all your love and wonderful support gives him so much. Well done and I admire you both the way you are living with this. It's good to know that despite all his treatment he is actually feeling ok right now – great! May it long continue.
I have managed an increase in…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Access to Pomalidomide and Bendamustine in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
Dear Tina – thanks so much for your very informative reply. I think I have just started the 7th cycle of Revlimid at 15mg. For the past three months we have added an extra week's break along with one I had earlier on so it may be my 6th. Normally during the break my counts start rising but after 2 weeks my platelets in particlar have dropped…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Scenes from where we live in the forum General 14 years ago
Yes Tom I do. It seems a great way to see other parts of the country and anything that might interest us and cheer us on our way. Do we ask the web-team to put up another category or continue in General?
Gaye x
Gaye replied to the topic Scenes from where we live in the forum General 14 years ago
The pics are lovely Lee so thank you. Mine is of RHS Hyde Hall in Essex which is where I go regularly to enjoy and often when I am feeling low and need cheering up. It never fails to inspire me and is so close to where I live. No rampant geese but I occasionally see Monkjack (spelling?) deer there.
Love, Gaye x
Gaye replied to the topic London Infoday tomorrow in the forum General 14 years ago
Dear Debs – this is the second attempt at my reply to you – the previous one seems to be flying around in the ether somewhere.
Thanks for all the info you gathered from the day on Saturday. It sounds like it was a good day despite one of the speakers leaving you a bit unsure. I think clinicians can sometimes forget that they are addressing…[Read more]
Gaye started the topic Access to Pomalidomide and Bendamustine. in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
Dear Tina – I have been at clinic today and we have discussed access to both of the above drugs. I know that Patrick has had Bendamustine and will go on Pomalidomide next. Has he been allowed access to these drugs within clinical trials or was he able to get them through special circumstances? My problem is that my counts are always low and…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Scenes from where we live in the forum General 14 years ago
Thank you Lee – it is a lovely picture – the church, the river and the harvest in. Just got in from clinic day in London and it was just what I needed!
Gaye replied to the topic 22nd of November in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
Dear Bridget – lame brain or chemo brain it's all the same. Just exploit it for all it's worth! Yes, I agree, it is lovely seeing faces at long last and I loved yours with your family. What better! Mine was taken at a family member's 100th birthday last year. They obviously got my better side. The lady in question is now 101 and I think will…[Read more]
Gaye started the topic New Myeloma Drugs. in the forum General 14 years ago
I am still finding my way around this site and came across the Search our FAQS label. As someone who is having to look at new drugs on clinical trials I have found this very interesting, and if you haven't looked already, it's worth a read. It shows that there are new drugs on the horizon if not already in use.
Best wisshes, Gaye x
Gaye replied to the topic 22nd of November in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
Hello David – really good news about your SCT date and not so long to wait now. We will all be rooting for you. Your question about Melphalan I think is that it aims to kill off remaining myeloma cells after all your previous chemo so that your harvested stem cells can be put back into a hopefully healthy body where they can regenerate and put…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic London Infoday tomorrow in the forum General 14 years ago
Hello Debs – sadly I won't be there as the energy levels these days are just too low, but I did go a couple of years ago and found it a very useful and informative day. It is always very well attended and it sounds like this year's attendance will break all records! I hope you enjoy it Debs and let's know how it went if you can.
Gaye x
Gaye replied to the topic Welcome! in the forum General 14 years ago
At last – I have finally got here:-S I have got to get used to this before I decide my preferences! Being decrepit I am still getting used to electricity…………….
Love Gaye