
  • I share all your concerns about GPs running the NHS budget but as I see it, it's rather like revamping the PCTs to be clinically led rather than by administrators as happens now. They will be consortiums of GPs, not packed full of them, so dissenting GPs do not have to sign up to become one of them, just reluctantly be part of the new…[Read more]

  • Gaye started the topic Radiotherapy. in the forum Treatment 14 years, 1 month ago

    I had my full spinal MRI last Thursday and today I was told that T6 had fractured hence all the pain. Hopefully we should start the planning very soon and then the RT. I feel relieved – pain is so wearing. Thank you for all your good wishes.
    Love, Gaye xx

  • Gaye replied to the topic Silent Witness in the forum Off topic 14 years, 1 month ago

    Yes Jean I think you are right about it being the last one. Two sad people together! I was so worried when Harry nearly snuffed it last week wondering how the programme could survive – now we know.

    Oh dear ………………

    Gaye xx

  • Gaye started the topic Silent Witness. in the forum Off topic 14 years, 1 month ago

    I don't how many of you watch Silent Witness but yesterday's episode was made at the Royal College of Physicians in London where Myeloma UK always hold their London Info Day. I kept thinking that I knew this place but with people being shot all over the place (it was the Dutch Embassy) – surely not. Well I am sure this is all riveting to you and…[Read more]

  • Dear Bridget – HAPPY BIRTHDAY our lovely Bridget! Well done on reaching 56. I am an Aquarian too – maybe that links our soppy senses of humour. You are a very special lady to all of us on here. Lovely humour and so much capacity to offer as much as you can to the rest of us. Thank you so much for that. Have a wonderful day hopefully with…[Read more]

  • Dear Tina – As you know I have long followed your shared journey and admire you both for how you have and are dealing with it. I know in the early days that Patrick used to post but it is lovely to have you do it now. You both inspired me to go for the pomalidomide and I am amazed that he still works despite the pain. Yes, he is a gem. What…[Read more]

  • Gaye replied to the topic A Salty Problem in the forum General 14 years, 1 month ago

    Brilliant that it has gone Keith – I hate drugs when they affect my taste. Whatever you told it to do it seems to have taken notice!

    Love, Gaye x

  • Dear Bridget – I love the casual way your doc says there is always a way to get the drugs you need! I like him/her.

    When NICE gave the OK for Velcade to be used it excluded it for first line treatment using it only after relapse. As time goes on I think we will see more and more people going on it for a second time, particlarly as they can…[Read more]

  • Jo – go to the bottom of the treatment home page and there is a button saying start discussion. Press that and you are ready to go. Good luck with the bendamustine. I know that Patrick has had bendamustine but I've no idea if it was a combination drug or on its own.

    Love, Gaye x

  • Dear Susan – yes, I have had velcade twice. Once to prepare me for my first SCT and the second as treatment on its own along with dex. It sounds as though it really suited you well. I had a gap between both treatments of about 2 – 3 years. Your doc may well want to try you on something else so just ask him all the questions you need to know.…[Read more]

  • Dear Sylvia – I am sorry I was a bit confused about your surgery and it all makes sense now. The balloon kyphoplasty is a doddle compared to your experience and of course Bridget (aka metal mickey, mother whale etc etc). I can understand your need to feel someway normal and I truly hope your treatment will bring that for you. Hold on to that…[Read more]

  • Dear Sylvia – I have had two operations on my spine, known as balloon kyphoplasty. The operation is done by keyhole surgery where cement is inserted into the collapsed vertebra. I was in overnight for both ops and the relief from pain was almost instantaneous as well as a return to my ease of walking and posture.

    I am sorry that you have…[Read more]

  • Thank you Keith for your very kind words. As always they mean so very much to me. What I have found in posting is how many of us are beating the times the docs give us – I call it my sell-by date and that really spurs me on for future patients. They will get there but in the meantime we have to get on with our lives with hopefully improved…[Read more]

  • Dear Jenny – I am so glad your lovely Dad is now in the hospice where I am sure you are all being treated with such dignity and love. He has made his decision but I know how painful it must be for you. I echo Tom's wise words about counselling (tears and all). Most hospices provide this so do use it if and when you decide to want it. In the…[Read more]

  • Thank you all for your lovely and different replies which goes to show there is no standard way of living with myeloma. It seems we very much need support and love which isn't always forthcoming for some, denial seems to appear throughout as our way of dealing with what we find hard to deal with.

    I wasn't sure if my thought for the day was…[Read more]

  • Gaye replied to the topic Radiotherapy in the forum Treatment 14 years, 1 month ago

    Dear Bridget – so glad you have finished all your RT and hope you will feel the benefits sooner rather than later. You must be exhausted going up to London 5 days although at least you are in a car which helps. I have to go up by train and taxi to Barts so anything like transfusions and RT I always have at my local hospital which saves the…[Read more]

  • Dear Min – I am glad Peter starts his Revlimid today and I wish him good luck with it. I found it very tolerable and was able to live a near normal life with it although it did make me very tired which I caved in to rather than fight it. Good luck with sexy dexy!

    I laughed when you thought that Revlimid packaging looked cheap compared to…[Read more]

  • Gaye replied to the topic ANTICIPATING THE NEWS in the forum General 14 years, 1 month ago

    Sarah – I see the phantom hand has come back again on your shoulder after being airbrushed out! It never fails to make me laugh!
    Gaye xx

  • Gaye replied to the topic ANTICIPATING THE NEWS in the forum General 14 years, 1 month ago

    Dear Jo – great picture and good to see you in full feature. Well done – you finally cracked it!
    Gaye x

  • Hello all you lovely people. Will you humour me as I tell you about the most recent part of my journey because I now understand something that had eluded me.

    When I first started posting on this board I was aware that I wanted to support people rather than ask for help. Somehow I didn't feel I needed help – I have always been so independent…[Read more]

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