
  • Hi Jen

    My mum had velcade in 2009 as part of a clinical trial before her sct after she stopped responding to her first chemo regime. She restarted velcade in August 2010 when she relapsed. She initially had it twice a week but responded so well they reduced it to once a week after 2 cycles. Last time on velcade she felt very tired and had…[Read more]

  • Hi Jenny

    I was really sorry to hear your news. As Gaye has said, palliative care and hospice care are very good and he should be comfortable. He may change his mind but whatever he decides, I'm sure having you and all the family around will be a great comfort and support.

    My heart goes out to you and your family at this difficult time and…[Read more]

  • Georgina replied to the topic Pomalidomide in the forum General 14 years ago

    Hi Gaye

    As others have said, I have really valued your posts on this site and all the information, advice and encouragement you give.

    Good luck with the new treatment and I'll have my fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you.

    Will be thinking of you. Keep us posted.
    Georgina xxx

  • Georgina replied to the topic Radiotherapy in the forum Treatment 14 years ago

    Hi Bridget

    So pleased to hear they are starting your radiotherapy very soon. When my mum had the radiotherapy, she had 5 days but not at the weekend. She started on a Friday (as they wanted to get a treatment in before the weekend as they were concerned she was at risk of cauda equina) and then carried on on the Monday.

    I hope you get pain…[Read more]

  • Georgina replied to the topic First report post SCT in the forum General 14 years ago

    Hi David

    That's great news. Hopefully your PP's will carry on falling. Enjoy the cycling and everything else you like doing.

    Take care

  • Georgina replied to the topic Relapse official in the forum General 14 years ago

    Hi Keith

    As everyone else has said, so sorry you are having to start treatment again. Hopefully it will make you feel better and help with the pain in your ribs. It certainly helped my mum. Good luck tomorrow and keep us posted. I'll have my fingers and everything else crossed for you.

    Take care
    Georgina x

    Bridget – good luck with your…[Read more]

  • Georgina replied to the topic Catch Up in the forum General 14 years ago

    Hi Bridget

    We saw Prof Tobias and his Registrar and they were very good. Both times my mum had her radiotherapy very quickly and it really helped

    Do they know you are in a lot of pain? They may be able to bring your appointment forward. It might be worth giving the nurse specialist a call.

    Take care

    Georgina x

  • Georgina replied to the topic Pain that moves about in the forum General 14 years ago

    Hi Keith

    My mum experienced a similar sort of thing with the pain. She starting getting pain in her sternum, then her arms, then her hip and back and it seemed to move around. We weren't sure if it was the myeloma but unfortunately it was. She had radiotherapy which helped enormousely and has been on velcade since August and is doing well.

    I…[Read more]

  • Georgina replied to the topic Catch Up in the forum General 14 years ago

    Hi Bridget

    Sorry for the delay in replying. I was so sorry to hear your news. I hope you are better now after the chest infection. Hopefully the radiotherapy will do its job and you will be in less pain. It worked very well for my mum.

    I've got my fingers (and everything else) crossed for you and hope 2011 will be a good year. As others have…[Read more]

  • Georgina replied to the topic Michael is dying in the forum General 14 years ago

    Dear Roz

    I was so sorry to hear Michael is still so poorly.

    Thinking of you and take care of yourself

    Lots of love

  • Georgina replied to the topic Some good news in the forum General 14 years ago

    Hi Michelle

    That's really good news and so lovely to hear. Hope your mum starts to feel a less tired soon.

    Best wishes to you and your family and hope you have a lovely christmas.

    Take care

  • Georgina replied to the topic Champagne but no Celebration in the forum General 14 years ago

    Hi Gill

    I'm so so sorry to hear it has come back. I know it is a real shock when you relapse. My mum relapsed in August 10 (after her SCT in September 09) and I remember revisiting all those feelings of when she was first diagnosed including fear, anger etc. She has been on velcade since August and has had a good response. She is now only…[Read more]

  • Georgina replied to the topic Bisphosphonate in the forum General 14 years ago

    Hi Bridget

    Its Jose.

    Best wishes

  • Georgina replied to the topic Stem Cell Transplant in the forum Treatment 14 years ago

    Hi Arlene

    It is my mum who has myeloma. She was diagnosed in January 2009 at the age of 65. After her first cycle of chemo she became neutropenic and got an infection. She was very poorly and was in ITU with acute renal failure. Luckily she made a good recovery. After more chemo, she had her SCT in September 2009 and actually sailed through it.…[Read more]

  • Hi Roz

    I have followed yours and Michael's journey for some time and just wanted to wish you luck for Thursday and say I'll be thinking of you.

    Take care of yourself

  • Georgina replied to the topic Bisphosphonate in the forum General 14 years ago

    Hi Bridget

    Thanks for the info. My mum is on pamidronate. She was on zometa when first diagnosed but this was changed to bonefos when she had acute renal failure (she fully recovered). She wasn't on anything after her SCT but the myeloma has recently returned and she has been put on pamidronate. I did ask about zometa as I had seen the recent…[Read more]

  • Georgina replied to the topic Bisphosphonate in the forum General 14 years ago

    Hi Bridget

    I saw on your post that you were originally on pamidronate but have recently changed to Zometa. Can I ask why you've chamged?

    Many thanks