Gill20 replied to the topic I Told You I Was Ill… in the forum Treatment 13 years, 7 months ago
Hi Scott and Dai,
It is good news, you are heading in the right direction and if a full remission is possible that is fantastic news. I have lived with this for many years with no treatment but getting lots of infections, bone pain and tiredness my pp was always around 9 and my pcs were 10% so I lived with it. I cannot imagine ever getting to…[Read more]
Gill20 replied to the topic Gill Newly Diagnosed in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 7 months ago
Hi Gill,
That is fantastic news, I am sure all the tears are the built up emotions of the past few weeks and the news sinking in but things will get easier. We have to remember we are on the journey now to remission and it will have its ups and downs but we will get there judging by the postings on this site.
I think the tiredness is the…[Read more]
Gill20 replied to the topic I Told You I Was Ill… in the forum Treatment 13 years, 8 months ago
Hi Dai,
I hope you got the good news yesterday and are looking a little less like a pin cushion.
Scott I hope you got good news too, I had a wonderful cruise last year to the Far East and I always said I wouldn't do a cruise but we really enjoyed it we saw so many wonderful places and the food on the ship was amazing. I am sure tha you and…[Read more]
Gill20 replied to the topic Gill Newly Diagnosed in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 8 months ago
Hi Gillian
Great news about getting out of hospital, its a pity about your plans for the future with the house. I think you just need to take it one day at a time as I am sure that like me every day is different at the moment, some days I feel fine and other days I feel really sick and lethargic other days I get a lot of pain. So sit back and…[Read more]
Gill20 replied to the topic asymptomatic melanoma in the forum Treatment 13 years, 8 months ago
You can be asymptomatic for years I was asymptomatic for 17 years with fluctuating pp levels and was regually monitored all this time. I did get a lot more infections than most people and some pain but I was OK. Unfortunately after all this time the myeloma has kicked in and I have had to start treatment. But there is hope that you may never need…[Read more]
Gill20 replied to the topic Weight Gain in the forum Side-effects 13 years, 8 months ago
Hi Gill,
I thought it was just me, I cant seem to stop eating and have a craving for chocolate which I don' normally get. It must be the tablets I was thinking after my birthday I will really try hard to eat fruit instead of all the other things but then I think at this time we need to be pampered so a little of what we fancy can't do us any…[Read more]
Gill20 replied to the topic Gill Newly Diagnosed in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 8 months ago
Hi Gill
I am glad the radiotherapy went well hopefully you will start to get better soon. I am starting my second week of chemo tomorrow and so far I have been OK apart from the constipation one or two others have said they have had. I had a bad few days of pain with the Zometa and although it is better it has made my head worse, I find it…[Read more]
Gill20 replied to the topic dad just diagnosed at 48 in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 8 months ago
Hi Christin and Meike,
So sorry that your dad and husband has developed this at such a young age but I agree with Dai things are changing all the time with treatments. Although I have only started treatment yesterday I have been screened for the past 17 years and things have changed a lot in this time.
Dai I think I have chemo brain without…[Read more]
Gill20 replied to the topic Gill Newly Diagnosed in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 8 months ago
Hi Gill
I am sorry you are having such a bad time. I was lucky as I have been monitored for myeloma for the last 17 years but this is the first time I have needed treatment. It was picked up as being active by my GP because I was feeling so tired. I have had pain in my back and head but I just put it down to wear and tear so never mentioned…[Read more]
Gill20 replied to the topic Newly diagnosed in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 8 months ago
Thank you all for your replies, I will have to try the cucumbers Tom!!! Unfortunately I went to the hospital for my skeletal survey this morning hoping to be back at work at lunchtime. I didn't make it home till this evening after having Zometa and a chat with the doctor who said he wants me to start treatment tomorrow si I am back again in the…[Read more]
Gill20 started the topic Newly diagnosed. in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 8 months ago
Hi All,
My name is Gill and I am 59, well I am for the next 2 weeks anyway. After 17 years with MGUS I have just been diagnosed with myeloma, I just can't believe it. There seems to be an awful lot to take in, I suppose I am lucky as I have been screened regularly it was picked up fairly eary. My only symptoms are tiredness and back ache. I…[Read more]
Gill20 replied to the topic Gill Newly Diagnosed in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 8 months ago
Hi Gill
I can empathise with you, I am another Gill (59)recently diagnosed and haven't really got my head round everything yet. I am having my skeletal survey done tomorrow and then seeing the doctor to discuss treatment. Like you I feel this site will be very useful and the support from others in the same position seems to be great. Maybe we…[Read more]