
  • Gillian replied to the topic Next Newbie! in the forum Under 50s 13 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Mike,

    Welcome!!! Like you I have just been diagnosed ( June ) and I am 54. It's all a big shock and as you say the terminology alone is a whole new world. I have found the site really helpful, with lots of support from members who have been using the site long term, but the stories and comments are really up lifting and so good to read other…[Read more]

  • Gillian replied to the topic Just diagnosed in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Peggy,

    I like you have just been diagnosed and it is such a shock, I quite understand how you bare feeling right now, and as the others have all said there is a great support network out there, so start shouting now for the help you need especially the extra help for your daughter, you can always decline it at a later stage if you don't…[Read more]

  • Gillian replied to the topic Gill Newly Diagnosed in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 7 months ago


    HOME at last!! I have finally made it. I was discharged on Tuesday and am staying with my sister. Who is proving to be the best sister in the world!!!

    It has been quite an emotional journey and the reality of this has suddenly hit home. I am so full of tears, they don't seem to want to stop, and the stupid thing is i don't know what I…[Read more]

  • Gillian replied to the topic Gill Newly Diagnosed in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Eve,

    Thanks, yes I am very lucky, I am going to stay with my sisterbfor a week or two, to get me settled back into a normal way of life and then we have some big decisions to make. Just before my diagnossi my husband and I had bought a big old property to do up and were living in the garden in a large static caravan, but obviously this has…[Read more]

  • Gillian replied to the topic Gill Newly Diagnosed in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 8 months ago

    Thank you all once again for your support. Week 7 in hospital now, not that I'm counting!!!
    Had Radiotherapy and a blood transfusion last week, all went well but I am just so tired. Today I am being allowed to go on a home visit for a couple hrs, this is to see how I will manage in the big world, I think they might be looking at discharge next…[Read more]

  • Gillian replied to the topic Weight Gain in the forum Side-effects 13 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Shirls,

    Thanks for your reply, I am just so concerned that the weight won't drop off me again, but you have given me some hope.


  • Gillian started the topic Weight Gain. in the forum Side-effects 13 years, 8 months ago


    After reading lots of posts, most people appear to loose their appetite and the weight drops off them. Not with me, so typical, I have put on loads of weight and am eating like a horse, trying to stick to healthy options and keeping off the sweets and snacks etc. I have been on CDT this is my 2 nd week so goodness knows how lRge I will be…[Read more]

  • Gillian replied to the topic Gill Newly Diagnosed in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 8 months ago

    Just thought I would give you all a little update.

    I am coping with the chemotherapy, this is week 2. Tuesday I had a course of radiotherapy which was totally painless, but I then had dreadful sickness. Slept all of the day yesterday and am suffering a little with sickness today.
    One thing that has happened is that I have lost control of my…[Read more]

  • Gillian replied to the topic Gill Newly Diagnosed in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Gill,

    Nice to hear from you and I think supporting each other sound a good idea. My treatment is at Airedale nr Skipton North Yorkshire. I was admitted on a 999 call, after I collapsed with the pain ( I had been suffering with a bad back for several weeks) I have now been in hospital 5 weeks!!! I have had a lot of trouble with pain &…[Read more]

  • Hi All,

    I'm Gill 54, married with two daughters and have just recieved my devastating news. All such a shock and not really had time to take it all on board!!!

    Found the site though and can see how useful this is going to be…….I can't stop reading!!!!