Hi Kay and all
I'm a few weeks ahead of you on the sct front and also have the curls now, getting them cut next week, will post new photo then I think. Today I can barely move, having woken up with severe back pain, the first I've had for a year as it went when I started the chemo last February, I'm hoping it will settle in a day or so, and I did nothing to induce it which is a mystery. Anyway, I'm not back at work yet, doc thinks after holiday is the time to aim for. It's hard not to push yourself but I understand that feeling of trying to get back to normality as soon as possible and put the 'ill' role in the background for as long as possible.
I think Dai is right and you sound as though you are pushing a bit hard on your traumatised body. When you think about it, if you have a minor op on your toe or nose, the cells are not fully recovered for a year though they are at about 80% after 6-812 weeks, so the cell damage and regeneration after sct is much more comprehensive. Be gentle on yourself:-D
Love Helen