Izzie replied to the topic Back on the roller coaster in the forum General 10 years, 10 months ago
Dear Helen
Just read your news and your consultants visit. You do have a lot to think about but it looks like they are ‘not allowing the grass to grow under your feet’ and have got you sorted out with a new line of treatment. Please let us all know how this is going when you get started – I know what you mean about being off the drugs. I have…[Read more]
janw replied to the topic It's Back in the forum Treatment 11 years, 3 months ago
Hi Tom
I’m so sorry to hear your sad news. It must be such a shock, disappointment and big concern about what the next round of treatment will bring. Fortunately, there appears to be quite a few treatment options available for first remission including some clinical trials, Velcade and the possibility of a second SCT. Apparently the results of…[Read more]