Jet started the topic News about Wendy Duffield in the forum Under 50s 7 years, 4 months ago
I need to let you know that Wendy died this morning at 2:45. I didn’t get to see her but I’ve been told she was peaceful.
I’m turning off notifications for this post, so I probably won’t get to read any comments left.
Much love to all of us
Jet replied to the topic News about Wendy Duffield in the forum Under 50s 7 years, 4 months ago
Thanks Pips. Sadly she died this morning at 2:45. I didn’t get to see her.
I’ll post for the whole group to see.
Don’t be too excited for more blog posts as that would mean that I’ve relapsed and/or back in treatment.
Best wishes
Jet started the topic News about Wendy Duffield in the forum Under 50s 7 years, 4 months ago
Hi everyone
Many of you will have had contact here or even met Wendy Duffield.
I’m sorry to tell you that she is now in ITU at Manchester Royal Infirmary, following intensive treatment for AML which developed post-allo transplant.
Her blood counts are at zero, following the chemo, but now her vital organs are shutting down and she has a s…[Read more]
Jet replied to the topic to SCT or Not to SCT in the forum General 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi Clare
I've not read everyone's responses, but a few, including both of Dai's.
I had an awful time going through my auto SCT (almost two years ago). Having said that, I completely agree with Dai that even though it may be horrid to go through, it really isn't terrifying, just a bit miserable.
In my case, a relapse came very quickly – 5…[Read more]
Jet started the topic From above. in the forum General 11 years, 10 months ago
Another blog update. Thanks for reading. Comments are most welcome, preferably on the blog itself:
Jet started the topic Another blog post. in the forum General 11 years, 10 months ago
If anyone wants to know what I get up to now that I'm well on the recovery road…
Also, if anyone is going to the East Midlands Patient Info Day on Saturday, I'll be there giving a Patient Experience talk. Please come and say hello.
Jet replied to the topic Happy 1st Birthday to my Stemcells. in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago
Great!!! Congratulations!
I never made it to one year after my auto transplant. I only got five months before relapsing.
But on 16 May, I will celebrate my one year anniversary for the donor transplant I had after secondary treatment.
Enjoy Australia! Enjoy everything!
Jet started the topic Minor scare. in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago
I bet a few of you will recognise this…
Thank you for reading.
Jet replied to the topic Nottingham Patient Info Day in the forum General 12 years ago
Thanks Tom, for your encouragement!
Jet replied to the topic Nottingham Patient Info Day in the forum General 12 years ago
Hi Helen
Thanks for your response. I'm not particularly daunted about speaking in front of an audience and I already know the venue. Im trying to decide between using slides or making it more informal. If I do use slides, I think I need to make it a bit funny – photos and so on, not just information. There'll be plenty of information on the…[Read more]
Jet started the topic Nottingham Patient Info Day. in the forum General 12 years ago
I wonder if anyone here will be attending the Patient Info Day in Nottingham on 27 April?
Also, has anyone else delivered a patient's perspective talk at any of these days?
I've been asked to speak and quite excited about it, but just wondering if anyone has any tips or things they think they'd like to hear from another…[Read more]
Jet started the topic Living with myeloma – blog update. in the forum General 12 years ago
If anyone's interested, you're welcome to read my newest blog update:
Your comments are welcome.
Thanks for reading.
Jet started the topic January 2013 update. in the forum General 12 years, 1 month ago
Another blog update. Thank you for reading and comments always welcome!
January 2013
Jet replied to the topic Travel Insurance in the forum General 12 years, 2 months ago
I tried World First, but they've changed their underwriter since I last tried them and it was a real palaver and not so reasonable. But I did get a good quote, that included not just MM, but also depression, chronic kidney failure and Graft versus Host Disease, from Free Spirit:
It's certainly worth…[Read more]
Jet started the topic Blog update – Keeping my eye on the ball. in the forum General 12 years, 2 months ago
I've just posted another update on my blog: Thanks for reading and commenting.
Jet started the topic Blog update – Happy Chanukah!. in the forum General 12 years, 3 months ago
I've just posted a new blog update, if anyone is interested to read.
I am on a mission to recruit more stem cell donors. You may want to read back to the previous update to see what I've been up to. It's all quite exciting!
Happy Chanukah! Giving a gift of life…
Thanks for reading and comments…[Read more]
Jet replied to the topic Ahhh so this is Dex….. in the forum Carers 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi Emma
I was also in hospital with kidney failure, which led to my diagnosis (Feb 2011). Literally within a couple of hours of receiving the diagnosis, they put me on Dex. I didn't start the other medication (Revlimid and Cyclophosphamide) for a few days, when I chose to go on the Myeloma XI trial. When I queried why they started the Dex so…[Read more]
Jet replied to the topic The Under 50s Group in the forum Under 50s 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi Karen
All the consultants and registrars at Nottingham work very closely together, so it doesn't matter much who you see, but you can express a preference. I generally aim not to see Prof. Russell as I find he can be quite dismissive and abrupt, whereas Jenny Byrne and Cathy Williams are much warmer and will gladly spend time answering…[Read more]
Jet replied to the topic Outdoors Paul in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 3 months ago
Although I barely knew Paul, his death has shocked me the most, for the same reasons you mention in your blog. Not wanting to steal your thunder, Wendy, but I've also just published a blog update on the subject of dying: Thanks for reading. Comments are welcome.
Jet replied to the topic Confused newcomer in the forum General 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi Colin
I understand the confusion. In the first stages, everything's confusing as it's all so new.
Briefly, myeloma is either heavy chain or light chain. If they're talking Bence Jones and kappa/lambda values, then you have light chain. The treatment's the same, but the tests to check on response and progression of the disease are slightly…[Read more]