KWilson replied to the topic 4th treatment – velcade, dex, thalidomide in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
Maybe the bleeding is caused by the results of constipation as the drugs do tend to 'bind' you and when you do manage to go to the loo, it can result in very hard stools which cause bleeding and as you say his platelet counts are low, the bleeding may be worse because of that.
Hope he gets back on track soon.
KWilson replied to the topic Spasms in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
I think it is a side effect but I also get spasmps in my hands when my calcium or potassium drop – what was your last blood test reading? Worth asking.
I also find if I take a painkiller which contains codeine it helps with the spasms.
KWilson started the topic Pomalidomide (?sp) – is it only available for those in trials?. in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
I asked my consultant about this when I saw her and she said it seems it will be a couple of years before it is available for general prescription.
Has anyone on here got it outside of trials and if so, how did you manage it? My Revlimid isn't doing the job now so any alternative is worth a try in my book.
Thanks in advance.
KWilson replied to the topic Feeling Rough in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
[quote] Perhaps someone should open a restaurant for people who are taste compromised?? Could call it Th e Cardboard Cafe? Sorry I am in a silly mood today Hang in there Keith it does get better and you will struggle to remember how rubbish you felt !!love Bridgetx [/quote]
lol totally agree, hard to explain to anyone who hasn't been there…[Read more]
KWilson replied to the topic Big hello one and all in the forum General 14 years ago
I had been wondering how you were. My friend lost her husband to prostate cancer and she too said she didn't have time to grieve because of all the 'stuff' she had to deal with after his death.
it is very difficult.
KWilson replied to the topic Only Me !! in the forum Side-effects 14 years ago
Yup, my combo knocks me off my feet too – you just have to learn which are your 'good' days and work towards them, otherwise, she'll have to rest up and accept the inactivity, which isn't always easy I know.
KWilson replied to the topic Side Effects in the forum Side-effects 14 years ago
I find taking a pain killer that contains codeine (sp?) helps with the restless legs syndrome. You can buy them over the counter but it's better to get them prescribed with all your other 'stuff'!
KWilson replied to the topic Bloody bras and rib pain! in the forum Side-effects 14 years ago
Gaye, it took about 12 weeks for my RT to fully relieve my back pain but the effect has been lasting so it's worth the wait, altho' I hope yours works a bit sooner than that.
KWilson replied to the topic Bloody bras and rib pain! in the forum Side-effects 14 years ago
I had just the same problem with bras when I first developed MM. When I was x-rayed, it turned out that I had cracked ribs! Now, my rib cage has 're-set' and it more the shape of a bird cage then a set of ribs (good job I'm not a glamour model eh?)
I can also relate to the lost weight. I just cannot regain any of mine and I look like an…[Read more]
KWilson replied to the topic Newcomer in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago
Welcome. Re questions, I can't help there but I'm sure they will forumulate as the days go by and there is a lot to take in intially so I advise having a wee note book or similar so you can write it down as you go along.
KWilson replied to the topic Dad diagnosed last week in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago
I can understand your worries about him being able to take the medication as prescribed – it is a bit of a nightmare to start with.
Alternatively (or as well as the chart) as mentioned above, it may be worth considering asking to see the hospital social worker with a view to a carer calling once a day to supervise the…[Read more]
KWilson replied to the topic Am new on here! in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago
Welcome. You'll soon have learnt a whole new set of words – it's amazing how soon you become familiar with it all.
KWilson replied to the topic Another newbie. in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago
Welcome. This is a good group for letting off steam or just 'talking' so feel free.
KWilson replied to the topic surgery resulting from MM in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago
No, I've not experienced spinal surgery but have had radiotherapy to my back.
KWilson replied to the topic RE: Starting a discussion… in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago
Welcome. I hope you soon get some answers to your questions.
KWilson replied to the topic Hello everyone in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago
Welcome. Good that you've got an early diagnosis. Ask away with questions, it's a brill group and someone will always try to help.
KWilson replied to the topic Hello New Arrival To MM Club in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago
Welcome glad you got diagnosed early and have started treatment. Good luck.
KWilson replied to the topic Revlamid starts and what happened next. in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
LOL re 'looks cheap'. I asked my neighbour to collect my prescription for me one month (it has to be ordered, our pharmacy doesn't keep it in stock) and she said "Oh, I didn't leave you medication on the step, I thought I'd wait until you came home." When I told her the one month's supply was £4,000 she said "Oh, my Goodness, if I'd known, I'd…[Read more]
KWilson replied to the topic Revlimid – When to take it in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
I always take mine in the morning with my Dex. Mind you, I'm sleepy even when I'm on my week 4 of the cycle where I don't take it at all.
KWilson replied to the topic Alternative and complementary therapies in the forum Treatment 14 years ago
Nope I definitely wouldn't risk taking anything else alongside the prescribed drugs and the interactions can be quite drastic sometimes. I do have faith in complimentary therapies but under these circumstances, they are not something I'd want to take.