Lynda replied to the topic POSTBONED in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 10 months ago
Hello Eve and Slim,
Only just caught up with postings and was so sorry to hear your sad news.
You and your family are in our thoughts and Pete and I send you our love.x
Lynda and Pete xx
Lynda replied to the topic Latest results 🙁 in the forum Treatment 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Andy
Just caught up with this post after replying to your post on "general".
I am so sorry your results from you Rev/Dex havent been so good. I really do hope as its only after your first cycle that its just a temporary blip and further cycles will be successful. I will keep fingers and toes crossed for your meeting with the consultant on…[Read more]
Lynda replied to the topic I'm back. in the forum General 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Andy
So good to have you back. Sorry you had to pay an unscheduled stay to the hospital but glad you are now feeling much better.
Good luck with the Rev/Dex. Lets hope it stops those little sods in their tracks!!!!
Love Lyndax
Lynda replied to the topic My husband has just been told he has got myeloma!! in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Ann
A very warm late welcome to you and to Pete.It must have been quite a shock to you both and you probably feel like the rug has been pulled out from under your feet.There is an awful lot to take in but take each day at a time. As others say this is the best site to go on with so much support. You will have lots of new things to take in but…[Read more]
Lynda replied to the topic counselling in the forum Carers 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Sarah
I was so sorry to hear that you had meltdown at the Doctors and hope you feel better today. Eight months is a long time on this rollercoaster of MM and you probably feel physically and emotionally drained.
I too am carer to my husband Pete who was diagnosed with MM a month after Henrys diagnosis.I was told that my GP could refer me…[Read more]
Lynda replied to the topic Another delay in the forum Treatment 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Tina
Please keep that chin up. I know sometimes you just want to get on with things with a view to feeeling better and when things dont appear to move fast enough it does feel frustrating.
Good luck for Wednesday and I hope that the chemo will work well and give you the best results towards having SCT.
Love Lyndax
Lynda replied to the topic Bridget in the forum Treatment 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Tom
I might have missed the boat but I would be so grateful if you could also pass on my love and good wishes to Bridget when you next go on Facebook.
I am not very good on the computer at the best of times and Facebook is altogether another ball game to me!!!!
Thank you so much
Love Lyndaxxxxxx
Lynda replied to the topic Pesky Paraproteins in the forum Treatment 12 years, 11 months ago
Hi Paul
Thank you so much for your reply. It certainly has given us some encouragement that the Velcade will work. I will keep you posted.
Am really pleased for you that things are moving well towards Stem cell in June. Hopefully we wont be far behind you!!!
Take care. Love Lyndax
Lynda replied to the topic Pesky Paraproteins in the forum Treatment 12 years, 11 months ago
Hi Tom,Eve and Dai
Thank you all so much for your replies.It was nice to have such support and to know that Velcade has done the job with Slim and Dai.I feel more optimistic that it will work for Pete now.
Eve- Pete too has his in infusion weekly. I can understand Slims's frustration!!!!. We will be thinking of you both next Monday. Please keep…[Read more]
Lynda started the topic Pesky Paraproteins. in the forum Treatment 12 years, 11 months ago
Hi Everyone
Just giving you an update on Pete. Diagnosed mm November 2011 after having really bad back pain. Put on CDT which worked well for a couple of months but now has plateau'd out on his paraproteins even when Thalidomide dose was doubled.
He had done really well gradually coming off morphine caps, diazepam and amitriptyline for his back…[Read more]
Lynda replied to the topic SCT completed in the forum Treatment 12 years, 11 months ago
Hi Sarah
What great news about Henry. So pleased he is home. 4 weeks is a long time away from home even if you see each other every day. Hope he will continue to improve and remission will be really, really long………….
Please keep us posted on how he is doing. Pete my husband is due for SCT in next few months if his paraproteins come down…[Read more]
Lynda replied to the topic Dexalicious… in the forum Side-effects 12 years, 12 months ago
Hi Dai
Hubbie Pete has the tingling around mouth and lips since he started the Dex. No problems with passing water but does have hiccups most Tuesdays which lasted several hours. As you can imagine that was very tiring but he has found a great exercise which seems to now stop them. If needed I will gladly pass on to you. Also on Dex Day his…[Read more]
Lynda replied to the topic Starting CDT in the forum Treatment 13 years ago
Hi there Mavis,
Sorry to hear you are having to join the CDT gang!
Hubby Pete was diagnosed with MM November 2011 and was started on CDT straight away and is now just finishing his 4th month. He has Cyclophosphomide 500 mg and Dexamethasone 20mg once weekly on Tuesday, and Thalidomide (originally 50mg) but upped to 100mg on third month every…[Read more]
Lynda replied to the topic 'Keep On Living On' (Song) in the forum Off topic 13 years ago
Hi Dai,
Lovely song. Have printed it off computer and read it whenever I need a pick me up and it makes me smile and fills me with hope.
Love LynXXX
Lynda replied to the topic Just to frighten you all!! in the forum General 13 years ago
Hi Mavis
Good photo with a nice smile. Havent worked out how to do that yet. Maybe thats a good thing as I could put quite a few people off. Ha Ha!!!!!
Love Lynxxx
Lynda replied to the topic HERE WE GO AGAIN !! in the forum Treatment 13 years ago
Dear Bridget
Just saw your last posting and am really sorry you had such tough news.You have always been a tower of strength to everybody on this forum including me. You have to apply this strenghth to you now and I am sure that with all the love from your family and friends you will get through this as you are made of strong stuff you…[Read more]
Lynda replied to the topic Info on SCT preparation in the forum General 13 years, 1 month ago
Hi Carol,
Just wanted to wish you luck for 24th February.My hubbie Pete will hopefully have his SCT April/May so I will watch out for your posts.It does sound an awful lot to go through but just keep thinking it will be worth it and you will be that much nearer to going to Spain!!!
Lynda replied to the topic New Carer saying Hello in the forum Carers 13 years, 1 month ago
Hi there Bridget
Thanks so much for replying to my post. I have taken on board what you have said. I used to work in a busy pharmacy seeing lots of people but most of all working with a lovely bunch of girls. I finished after 10 years there to spend more time with Pete in September last year only for him to be diagnosed with Myeloma 8 weeks…[Read more]
Lynda replied to the topic New Carer saying Hello in the forum Carers 13 years, 1 month ago
Hi Craig,
Thank you so much for your reply.Your encouragement and advice has lifted my spirits and I have dusted myself down,lifted myself up and am more ready for the challenges ahead!!!!
Etta certainly sounds as if she has been through the mill the last few months but I am glad to know that she is improving with all your love and…[Read more]
Lynda replied to the topic Grief in the forum End of Life and Grief 13 years, 2 months ago
Hi Chrissie,
My heart goes out to you. I am so very sorry for your loss. I do hope you have family and friends who will give you lots of support. This forum as I have found out will also give you lots of support. Please do not beat yourself up about Davids treatments. He fought this his way with courage and sheer determination. He was a very…[Read more]