
  • tom posted an update 6 years, 3 months ago

    @andyg oh oh am in I remembered it…..eventually lol….

  • tom replied to the topic Tom? in the forum Off topic 10 years, 6 months ago

    Hi David and all you others.

    Yep am still here lol, and I wasnt an SCN ha ha.

    Hope your doing good David as we are at this sunny end 🙂 yes as Jean says bloods taken last Friday and results today:-)

    Bit of an update on me seen as am on the forum.

    Myeloma came back December last year (i got four years remission from SCT #1) was put on Velcade…[Read more]

  • Hi Marge


    well I have been on the Velcad for 5 months now, it stopped working on month three so i have had Cyclophosamide to the mix side effects ?? am tired and weary more so as the other one was added,apart from that Not much else as yet, to be fair its ben kind to me 🙂

    Good Luck with it


    Tom Onwards and Upwards xx

  • Hi Deborah

    I had mine in 2009, got four years out of it and that was great, yes I was bloomin cold in the room should have taken my throw in 🙂

    Mouth wash now I used bottles of it every time i went to the loo, walked past it thought about the loo I mouth washed (they will give you more lol) , cant emphasise enough to use moth wash as often as…[Read more]

  • Hi Keith

    Well done you 🙂 and you can be forgiven about memory loss after what you have gone through

    Stay well my fiend its all Onwards and Upwards now

    Tom Onwards and Upwards x

  • tom replied to the topic Worried about Dad in the forum Treatment 10 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Clover

    well I think its all ben covered by the great posts above.

    Its a roller coaster of a ride for your Dad am sorry to say but he will get through it, you all will, you dont say how old your Dad is ? nor how old you are ?

    Good Luck to your Dad on his road to remission.

    Tom Onwards and Upwards xx

  • Congratulations to you Both am well chuffed for you both.

    its what we all aim for,I hope Graham is now drug free for many a years its a great feeling I had four years drug free remission, we went and done what we wanted to do with no restrictions.

    Get out their now and enjoy Life, once again well done and have a great time.

    Love Tom Onwards and…[Read more]

  • Hi David

    Thats great  to hear ist finished but as I said when you started it ” No Rush to Use It” al keep checking and see

    Take care David and stay well

    Tom Onwards and upwards “Vasbyte” x

  • WoW Sarah

    What a photo well done you its a great one I can tell you.

    Good Luck to M now its on the go, its tiring in hospital as it is let alone the regime that M is going through  and am sure you all know I wish him luck and few side effects on his road to remission

    Love Tom Onwards and upwards xx

  • tom replied to the topic Relapse in the forum Treatment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Morning Rebecca

    Not sure who will be doing the BMB Dr J did the last one and it was Ok ? Helen done two on me and I had one done in castle hill and that was the worse one .

    As for the PN so far its not a problem ? I feel something but nowt to talk or write home about it was worse on my CDT just got rid of it for the darn MM to kick back in again…[Read more]

  • Hi Sarah

    Am sorry i have no knowledge of the regime your Hubby has been put on just wanted to wish you both well on the road to remission.

    Tom Onwards and Upwards  xx

  • tom replied to the topic Relapse in the forum Treatment 10 years, 10 months ago

    Hi June

    Sory to hear about your relapse,

    had my CTD and Stem Transplant in 2009, but it kicked back in last december.#

    I just had my Velcade (Cycle four week three)  I have Velcade, Dex and Zometa.

    I am doing great with it albeit tired a lot but I listen to my body and when it tells me to sleep I sleep Ha ha.

    I asked my Consultant Dr Jalihal…[Read more]

  • tom replied to the topic Start of a long journey in the forum Newcomers 10 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Graeme

    Not a problem, I found out that it had come back after having my regular bloods done, but in reality am sure my wife and i had known as i had lost weight again and that for us was an early indicator.

    Bearing in Mind all MM patients  differ in how they cope from one to another even when on the same treatment that said I had to go on…[Read more]

  • tom replied to the topic Hiccups?? in the forum Side-effects 10 years, 10 months ago

    |Well Good Folk, my tip for the dreaded Hiccups  is as follows :::

    Fill mouth with water, put fingers in your ears (so you cant hear) and then swallow slowly SLOWLY.

    Good Luck it works for me when i get them on Steroids and even the my family and friends everytime

    Tom Onwards and upwards xxxx

  • Hi Lois

    I have one or two

    Hiccups My Cure when you get them ::: fill your mouth with water, place fingers in ears to block them, then swallow slowly till all water has gone, (works for me every time)

    surround yourself with nice people.

    be honest with Family and friends with how you feel, honest it helps you and them cope better

    Listen to your…[Read more]

  • tom replied to the topic Back Pain in the forum Newcomers 10 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Susie

    Sorry in my late reply and am sorry I cant help as so far i have a little bit of back pain but its (or so am told) arthritis ???   am sure your bloods will tell your Consultant if the Myeloma has kicked in and my advice would be to talk to him or his secretary and ask for more bloods to be taken and let them have a look.

    Good Luck and…[Read more]

  • tom replied to the topic Start of a long journey in the forum Newcomers 10 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Graham

    Sorry for the delay in my reply, but a warm welcome.

    I am age 58 now and had my treatment CDT in feb 2009 leading up to my SCT in December 2009 was in remission and drug free for four years,

    So what you are going through is a doable but you will have to listen to your body and when it tells you to rest rest its the only way.

    My…[Read more]

  • Hi Keith

    Well done you are running nearly 🙂 as for the weight loss mine was a fair lot but my Dr (GP) would have told me that should be my normal weight ha ha.

    as for hunger am on it with the Dexam afraid but al cope with it and start to cut down. keep on going like you are Keith

    Tom Onwards and Upwards


  • Thanks izzie.

    yes I hope your new drugs help ease your pain.

    Helen I am a granddad to six and our home has got toys from one end to the other these iccle toes are used to standing on lord knows what and lord knows how sharp it is, haha


    love from iccke ole twinkle toes he he

    Tom onwards and upwards x

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