
  • Nanna59 replied to the topic loud whistling in ear in the forum Side-effects 10 years ago

    Thankyou Carol and Jeffrey.
    The noise is much worse and I am waiting to see an ENT specialist so I will let you know how I get on

    Kind regards

  • Thanks Carol

    Do you think it has anything to do with your treatment at all?

    Kind regards


  • Nanna59 replied to the topic Dry Skin in the forum Newcomers 10 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Julie
    Thanks for this
    The stem fell transplant is not a pleasant experience I won’t lie to you, but you can do it. If I can anyone can. I had mine 15 month ago and I’m currently in remission so try to think about the benefits it will bring and take the advice offered by the nursing staff and the many people on here who have gone through it…[Read more]

  • Hi all
    I am currently in remission after a stem cell transplant in Sept 2013. For the last 6 months I have felt a pressure and loud whistling in my left ear. My new GP says she thinks it could be an after effect of the chemotherapy. Has anyone else experienced anything similar?
    Thanks Chris

  • Nanna59 replied to the topic Three Years! in the forum General 10 years, 5 months ago

    Congratulations Andy
    I’m so happy for you
    I always find your posts very encouraging!
    God bless

  • Nanna59 replied to the topic Help needed! in the forum General 10 years, 5 months ago


  • Nanna59 replied to the topic Zameta in the forum Treatment 10 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Mavis
    I am seeing my consultant this week so I will discuss it with himnand get back to you
    God bless

  • Hi Mandy

    Tony is right, you can do it even though no one is saying it’s easy. I am one year post transplant and trying to lead a ‘normal’ life again.

    Try to stay positive, things do get easier as time goes on

    God bless

  • Nanna59 started the topic Zameta in the forum Treatment 10 years, 5 months ago

    Has anyone been offered Zameta in tablet form and if so did you suffer any side effects?


  • Nanna59 replied to the topic Post SCT/remission in the forum General 11 years ago

    Hi Ann

    Congratulations on your great news and on returning to work!
    I am so happy for you

    I was told in December that I was in remission and thought that I would just forget about Myeloma and get on with my life but that’s proving more difficult than I thought

    You are doing the right thing I think, getting back to normality

    I hope that it…[Read more]

  • Nanna59 started the topic Vertibroplasty in the forum Treatment 11 years ago

    Hi All

    I saw a consultant last week regarding vertibroplasty but was put off by the rare side effects e.g. possibility of being paralised or even death because of an embolism. Has anyone had this procedure done and if so how was it for you?


  • All the best Tom with the new regime Monday
    You are such an inspiration
    Can I ask did they take enough stem cells on your first harvest or do you need to go through that again?

    God bless
    Chris x

  • I just want to wish everyone going through Stem Cell transplant at the moment lots of love and strength. It’s a hard time but you come out the other end and soon forget the awful days. I had my transplant in September and am now in remission so hang in there!
    God bless
    Chris x

  • Hello Jean
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have been having trouble logging in
    I thought everyone was given the choice of maintenance treatment
    It’s surprising how treatment differs in different areas

  • Yes that’s true Tom
    I’m so glad you have had no damage
    Even though Im only just in remission I am worried about the return of the wretched thing!
    I need to switch off from it and enjoy it
    How long did it take you to start to enjoy it?
    C x

  • Nanna59 replied to the topic Scottish Borders in the forum General 11 years, 2 months ago

    Thankyou for this Maureen
    It’s a big thing to consider when Ive had such good treatment in Yorkshire

  • Thanks for your very sound advice Tom
    You are so right and there are a lot of things to consider
    So sorry to hear that your Myeloma has returned but love your positive attitute
    It’s very encouraging!
    Chris x

  • Nanna59 started the topic Scottish Borders in the forum General 11 years, 2 months ago

    Hi everyone

    I have had fantastic treatment since being diagnosed but am considering moving house

    Is anyone being treated in the Scottish Borders area please?


  • Thankyou Tony and Michelle for your replies
    It’s a difficult decision to make and I appreciate your opinion.
    It’s good to get the view of someone who has gone through it already
    I did wonder whether I wanted to take even more drugs after the year I’ve had to be honest but then I think will I regret it if I don’t?
    Eee decisions decisions

  • Hello all

    Not been on here for a while am struggling to find my way round.
    I had my sct in Sept and was told on 23rd December that I was in full remission (Thankyou God)
    I have been asked to consider going on the maintenance trial but reading all the side effects of Revlimid and Vorinostat scares me rather. I could do with some advice from anyone…[Read more]