Nicola2708 replied to the topic charity night in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Yes thats what i thought, i have a terrible fear of heights, but this might just get me over that. Be worth it for the money I would raise. Want to do a black tie event next spring as well, but need to plan that. Plus it helps keeping busy like this, putting my energy in to something so worth while.
Nick x
Nicola2708 replied to the topic charity night in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Thanks Deb
Didnt think it would take so much organising, rotas to do BBQ, making sure mitch will be ok behind the bar, music getting raffle and Auction prizes. But it is all so worth while..I intend to do lots more events as well. Want to make dads wish reality for him.
Tom its The Boot Inn
Gladstone street
ibstock…[Read more]
Nicola2708 replied to the topic charity night in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Hi tom
how are you? Were in ibstock, leicestershire. Lol would help if i d of put that wouldnt it. Xx
Nicola2708 started the topic charity night. in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Hi all. Hope everyone is ok and enjoyed the lovely weather last week. Ive organised my first charity event for the 11th August. Everyone has been really generous. Im quite excited and hoping to raise as much as possible. If any of you are local to the event be lovely to meet everyone. Xx
Nicola2708 replied to the topic Bridget… 10:30am today and beyond in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 8 months ago
First time ive been on here for a long time, bridget you were a lovely lady and offered me great words of kindness when my dad was first diagnosed and later passed sway. I hope your children realise what a wonderful lady youwere. Good night and god bless. Heaven has gained a beautifull angel xx
Nicola2708 replied to the topic Another 3 months in the forum General 12 years, 11 months ago
Yay you go David
what a lovely thing to read. Hope your coughs much better, and managed to enjoy some off the lovely sunshine we had.
love and best wishes
Nicola2708 replied to the topic bereavment in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 11 months ago
hi stephen
all we can do is one step at a time, baby steps as my friend says. i agree with eve though spent lots of time with my children help, they make me laugh and cry all at the same time.
Nicola2708 replied to the topic Don't google it, I couldn't even spell it! in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 11 months ago
Hi Neelie
Its really good to rant ive only been a member on here for a little while but its been a great place to come to have a rant, or get information. There is always someone here with kinds words and support. Your Dad is now in the right place and im sure he will be getting the best care possible. My advice would to always write down the…[Read more]
Nicola2708 started the topic WHAT TO DO NOW…. in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 11 months ago
Good afternoon guys
Id like to thank all off you for your kind words and prayers. We buried Dad on the 23rd of march, It was a beautiful day, the sun shone bright just how he liked it. The landlord from dads local gave him a fabulous wake, my dad was a very lucky man or should i say we were very lucky to have dad in our lifes. Over 300 people…[Read more]
Nicola2708 replied to the topic My beautiful brother in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 11 months ago
Dearest Jean
I Lost my dad 3 weeks ago today, it feels like a great big hole has been left in my life. So i can understand how much you must miss your brother, like you we were there to hold his hand. People keep telling me time is a great healer, may be this is true. Hope Alex was able to enjoy some of her birthday.
Much love to you…[Read more]
Nicola2708 replied to the topic RIP DAD 14/03/12 in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 12 months ago
Dear Helen
Thank you so much for all your kind words over the last few months. How you feeling your self. Any more thoughts on getting that puppy. xxx
Nicola2708 started the topic RIP DAD 14/03/12. in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 12 months ago
Just wanted to let you all know dad finaly went off to become an angel. I know he is no longer in pain. We held his hand as he took his last breath. Its selfish but i wish i could have had longer, i miss him so much already. Feel so far away from him. Love you daddy cool xxxx
Nicola2708 replied to the topic We have reached the end of our battle in the forum End of Life and Grief 13 years ago
It's Monday morning, dads still hanging in there, after a distressing day yesterday they have managed to get to grips with the pain he was in. We just keep talking to him letting him know that we love him. He shouts out ocassiontionly. But has not regained consciousness since Friday. Xx
Nicola2708 replied to the topic We have reached the end of our battle in the forum End of Life and Grief 13 years ago
Dads now receiving pathway care, no more medical intervention. All tubes have been removed. We just waiting cx thank you love to you all x
Nicola2708 replied to the topic We have reached the end of our battle in the forum End of Life and Grief 13 years ago
thank you bridget and helen,
Im really quite frightened and dad looks really scared in eyes, Cant belive how quick its happened. we wont be leaving him. we wont to to do all the care our selfs. thank you for your ongoing support. xxx
Nicola2708 started the topic We have reached the end of our battle. in the forum End of Life and Grief 13 years ago
tonight we our preparing to say goodbye to my dad as of this afternoon, the doctors have revoked all active treatments. Dads kidneys have now going in to failure and theres nothing they can do. Were trying to get him home, but been told it will be 48hrs because its the weekend. We dont think he will hold out that long. I would like to thank…[Read more]
Nicola2708 replied to the topic velacade not worked in the forum Treatment 13 years ago
hi helen
im hoping it has some affect when we get started on it. as yet a transplants looking unlikely. wont even really discuss it with us. Im scared to go see him, he always seems to get so down in hospital. how are you helen xx
Nicola2708 replied to the topic velacade not worked in the forum Treatment 13 years ago
thanks for all your replies, keith it is lenolidomide. Dad(micky) was supposed to start to day when we visited out patients. Unfortunately this wasn't to be the case. Bloods showed high levels of calcium again, infection and poor kidney funtion. So instead of starting the new regime dad(micky) has now been addmitted. He cried for the first…[Read more]
Nicola2708 replied to the topic velacade not worked in the forum Treatment 13 years ago
Thank you Keith and Bridget,
It's so heart warming that you take the time out to reply. Especially when you have so much going on in your own life's. Must admitt to have been sticking my head in the sand, it's a far calmer place to be especially after a few glasses of wine lol. It's not the revlimid it be begins with L. He started on that…[Read more]
Nicola2708 started the topic velacade not worked. in the forum Treatment 13 years ago
hi guys, sorry not been around for a while, just been reading through the post and lools like "the B*****D that is myeloma is taking hold all over the place. Sadly dads course of velcade hasnt worked. so there starting a third stage treatment a 2nd generation drug sounding like thmilomide same sort of family as that drug. Dads praprotein levels…[Read more]