
  • kp replied to the topic Osteonecrosis in the forum Related conditions 8 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Michael,

    I have heard of necrosis of the jaw as a complication of Zometa. I do hope this isn’t the case for you.

    I have been in cr since August 2015 following a SCT and have Zometa every month. I wondered what symptoms you experienced.

    I know that Myeloma doesn’t like Zometa but having been on it for two years I wonder about whether to carry…[Read more]

  • kp replied to the topic First treatment day in the forum Newcomers 8 years, 9 months ago

    Hi dazz, I found the effects of the chemotherapy were cumulative. It is true that everyone reacts differently so hard to predict effects for you. I guess just being diagnosed with MM was a life changer for me; I had always been fit, well and active and adjustment to a new way of being has taken time. Be kind to yourself, ask lots of questions…[Read more]

  • I haven’t had a holiday abroad so can’t advise re travel insurers but will ask the specialist nurse who told me she had a few who had been recommended by other patients.
    I wanted to book China now I am in remission (SCT end August 15) but Consultant said not to go anywhere there wasn’t a really good health care system and ideally stay in Europe. I…[Read more]

  • Sorry to hear that you have joined us Bridget, but this is such a good place to come to for support and empathy. There is also a Facebook support group “UK Myeloma Support Group”.

    The Myeloma UK helpline is really good, give them a ring if you feel you need to clarify anything you have been told.

    Good luck with the Chemo and let us know how you…[Read more]

  • kp replied to the topic Sct in the forum Treatment 8 years, 11 months ago

    They didn’t talk to me about percentages, just said when I had completed 6 -8 cycles of chemo.

    If you have a Nurse Specialist perhaps ask them although the previous answer is very clear.

    Kind regards


  • kp replied to the topic Help & Advice Please!!! in the forum General 8 years, 11 months ago

    Hi, I do hope you went straight back to the hospital for advice, particularly with a spiking temp. I haven’t been on for a few days so know this reply is a bit late.

    When I was 6 weeks post SCT I got a  cold sore which prompted them into action, bloods checked, acyclovir prescribed etc. So I guess act quickly on any concerns re health is…[Read more]

  • Well, I am now 6 months  post SCT, no meds, monthly appts for Zometa and 3 monthly appts for monitoring. Feels very strange not to have two or three appts a week but good to feel well. I still have days when I feel very fatigued if I have overdone it the day before but this gets less as time goes on. I am finding it hard to lose the post SCT…[Read more]

  • kp replied to the topic Myeloma in the forum Newcomers 8 years, 11 months ago

    I would have thought blood tests for paraprotien and free light chain levels and a urine test for Bence Jones protiens too.

    Kind regards Karen

  • kp replied to the topic GP letters in the forum General 8 years, 12 months ago

    I would like copies of my Bone Marrow Biopsy reports. Some time ago now I asked what the results were and the Doctor looked at me like “Duh” and said “you have Myeloma”. Well I knew that!!!! I was already on VTD chemo but I know the BMB tells them a lot more. Perhaps I should ask for copies of the reports. I have had two BMB’s, one when the…[Read more]

  • kp replied to the topic GP letters in the forum General 8 years, 12 months ago

    I think you are supposed to get copies of letter if you want them. The hospital I attend always sends me a copy and I don’t have to ask. Mind you sometimes they arrive three months after the clinic date.

    Kind regards


  • kp replied to the topic Chest Infection in the forum Newcomers 8 years, 12 months ago

    I agree with above advice to avoid anyone with a known infection. Even in remission your immune system does not get back to full strength. I also find it takes me weeks to get over a simple cold. Don’t risk it.

    Kind regards



  • Hi Mike, the main problem I had after the administration of high dose Melphalan was low blood pressure. I hadn’t realised there was a risk of ongoing cardiac problems and don’t recall it being discussed. Mind you there was so much to take in at the time it is quite possible/probable it was as I have been very well looked after throughout this…[Read more]

  • <p style=”text-align: center;”>Hi Mike, the main problem I had after the administration of high dose Melphalan was low blood pressure. I hadn’t realised there was a risk of ongoing cardiac problems and don’t recall it being discussed. Mind you there was so much to take in at the time it is quite possible/probable it was as I have been very well…[Read more]

  • Hi Mike, so glad you are starting to feel better but sorry to read you have only achieved a partial response. I hope you will find that involvement in the trial does increase chance of keeping the MM under control.
    Very best wishes


  • kp replied to the topic Tiredness in the forum Newcomers 9 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Julie,

    Feeling tired and the weariness of fatigue are common problems during treatment phases for MM. Thankfully it passes although 4 months after SCT I have seriously tired days, usually after I have inadvertently over done it the day before. Listen to your body and adjust your activity accordingly is good advice.

    Best wishes Karen

  • Hi All, I am now 107 days post SCT. You are so right Bernard, it was an ordeal but is so worth it. The care I have received has been first class from everyone I came into contact with as an in patient and an out patient.
    I was told this week “no free light chains, complete remission” so I am hopeful of a decent period MM free.

    I guess the effects…[Read more]

  • kp replied to the topic Home after STC in the forum Treatment 9 years, 3 months ago

    I am over 107 post SCT, I continue to use hand gel all the time. Carry it in my handbag and apply after Supermarket etc. Nurses said to take temperature at least twice a day. The dietary info I was given was quite comprehensive, no mayonnaise, runny eggs, reheated food, shellfish etc. A bit like the diet for pregnancy I thought.
    Other advice was…[Read more]

  • Glad to hear you have a date for admission.  Good luck with the SCT. I did the sucking of ice cubes etc whilst Melphalan was administered. The nurse told me that you have to keep mucus membranes cold to reduce blood flow not just during administration but for 6 hours afterwards.

    Best wishes Karen

  • Hi Mike, I am 39 days post stem cell transplant.  I am doing well I think from the feedback at transplant clinic but I guess the BMB after 100 days will tell more.

    I just wanted to say sorry to hear that your protien rising but although SCT is challenging,  particularly on the GI tract,  it is very doable. I found the time in isolation was ok be…[Read more]

  • kp replied to the topic Rumbling stomach noises in the forum Side-effects 9 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks for this post Graeme, I am also experiencing a very noisy GI tract post SCT (I suffered severe mucositis) and Jill’s reply is really helpful.

    Hope you are OK now.

    Best wishes


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