Scotty replied to the topic The Under 50s Group in the forum Under 50s 12 years, 7 months ago
WOW. That is truly amazing – and everyone in the Under 50s will be lifted by seeing this. Thanks for popping it on – we've lost several of our members over the past few months which has been tough to deal with, so a ray of hope like this is always inspiring to see. Long may it continue! Scotty.
Scotty replied to the topic Joining in… in the forum Under 50s 12 years, 12 months ago
Hi Eva
Have just re-sent you the link – deffo come on back in! Wonder what happened there.. Anyway, let us know how you're doing?Cheers Scotty.
Scotty replied to the topic The Under 50s Group in the forum Under 50s 13 years, 6 months ago
Hi folks,
Goodness its been a while since I've been on here – a combination of a frantic (and fabulous) few months getting married, going on honeymoon – and then back down to earth with a bump, back at work. As well as being lucky enough to not be on treatment currently, so I've been squeezing every drop out of life till it changes again, as my…[Read more]
Scotty replied to the topic Final Goodbye to Patrick in the forum General 13 years, 9 months ago
Oh Dai… that's so beautifully written… I've come back to it several times now and it still hits me.
What a stunning observation, and one I am sure many of us and our other halves, on good days and the bad ones, will softly raise eybrows and nod along to.
Wishing you Tina, all the best at this terribly sad time.
Scotty replied to the topic Another newbie in the forum Under 50s 13 years, 11 months ago
Or email me Jon – – whichever's easiest. And as Debs said, we are complementary to the main MMUK site, just a weeny bit less genteel.
Although I was loving the revolutionary spark on here…. am getting some placards printed right now.. Scotty
Scotty replied to the topic The Under 50s Group in the forum Under 50s 14 years, 1 month ago
Hi Wendy, I see Phil has you within his sights, so I look forward to you joining the Under 50s gang soon. And don't worry 50 is just a vague guideline – if you were 54 you'd be just as welcome! Scotty
Scotty started the topic The Under 50s Group. in the forum Under 50s 14 years, 3 months ago
Hi to any new readers – just to let you know that a few of us set up an Under 50s online 'forum' (its not that formal!) a while back, to share things that are possibly of more relevance to our age group – anything from worries over work, kids and getting married to our latest gigs, mountain climb fund-raising and ridiculous stories.
Anyone…[Read more]
Scotty replied to the topic Any Hints in the forum Under 50s 14 years, 3 months ago
Hi Paul
Sorry to have missed your message and thanks to the eagle eyed who did spot it and let me know! If you drop me an email to I can use your email address to invite you into the Under 50s site. Most of us use both this forum and the Under 50s to max the value from both! Cheers Scotty.
Scotty started the topic Joining in…. in the forum Under 50s 14 years, 4 months ago
Just seeing if I can finally log in here…. Struggling a bit! S
Scotty replied to the topic Im 2nd in the forum Under 50s 14 years, 4 months ago
Actually feel I deserve one – it was teribly hard to get in here and post! Hope it becomes more intuitive with time… Scotty