
  • Sounds great Adrian….every bit we can all do is really great.
    Hope the SCT goes well for you – Take it easy afterwards, listen to your body and don’t overdo it! Fundraising can all wait 🙂

    Deb x

  • Debs changed their profile picture 7 years, 11 months ago

  • I just wanted to let everyone know about an event that I am running in a couple of weeks – it would be fantastic if some of you might like to attend!

    The Perfect Pair is a wine tasting event with a difference…and we hope that you or your friends/ business colleagues might want to get involved. The event is being run by me, Deb Gascoyne, and I’m a…[Read more]

  • Hi everyone. I haven’t been on this site for a long time now (more of a fb person), but I have been asked to let people know that sadly Sandra Lodwick, an old-timer (at only 50) on this site, sadly passed away yesterday.
    Sandra, passed away peacefully last night and Bruce, her husband has asked me to let people know. Sandra was positive in her…[Read more]

  • Hoping that some of you might think about helping me out? I know my fundraising posts are often passed on here, but I’m not asking for money…just support!

    I got diagnosed in 2009 with myeloma and am lucky to be 3 years in remission post SCT.
    To celebrate I am using my 40th year to raise awareness and money for Myeloma UK by doing a ’40 C…[Read more]

  • Hi David. THat is not good news. Although Maureen is right that revlimid has been said to have a tiny chance of increasing the risk of secondary cancer, skin cancer being one of the ones that it is more likely to do this with. That said, I have always said that whilst there is a chance of that, I’ll take that chance given the benefits it offers.…[Read more]

  • Some of you may know that I am aiming to complete 40 Challenges before I am 40….and Challenge 38 is to get 40 people to conga through West Wycombe Park, a beautiful National Trust property in Buckinghamshire. Please come along and support the event, and come and see me on the stall I will have in the Main Marquee too 🙂 To find out more about m…[Read more]

  • Debs started the topic Can you help? in the forum Off topic 10 years, 10 months ago

    I haven’t been on here for a while so I hope that people will still think about helping.

    I decided this year to do 40 Challenges B4 40 to raise money for Myeloma UK before I hit 40 in January 2015. The plan is to try to raise £10,000 through various challenges, and through getting other people involved. I hope that it will also help to raise…[Read more]

  • Debs replied to the topic Travel Insurance in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago

    We used World First….no health issues to claim for thank god, but we did have a broken camera which they paid for no problems.

  • Debs replied to the topic Red hot cheeks in the forum Side-effects 11 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks Babs and Helen

    Babs, I am just not sure whether it is just the revlimid because of the fact I've been on it so long without any side effects. Helen, I think you might be right about slap cheek….sort of didn't want to face into it. I'll see if I'm the same tomorrow and perhaps get a GP appointment if so. I've now scared myself reading…[Read more]

  • Great news Jean….really pleased to hear that it is all going so well….hope Frank is chuffed too 🙂

    Deb x

  • Debs replied to the topic Red hot cheeks in the forum Side-effects 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Michelle
    I suppose it could be linked. My transplant has meant I've definitely gone through an early menopause with hot flushes and all that but I suppose this could be a new and different aspect to it. It's just come very much out of the blue!
    Thanks for the thought though…may kick me into action re going to speak to my GP about it all.…[Read more]

  • Debs started the topic Red hot cheeks. in the forum Side-effects 11 years, 11 months ago

    Can anyone help? I'm currently in remission after having had my SCT in July 2011. The only drugs I am on are revlimid (10mg) and in the past couple of months, I've been given a few GCSF injections to help boost my neutrophils.
    The last couple of days though I have had the rosiest cheeks in the world. Yesterday, I thought it was the after effect…[Read more]

  • Hi Rebecca.

    I'm 38 and was diagnosed at 35 but haven't heard that one before. I think that it is individual and is probably more to do with your genes than your age as to what impact it has on your body. But I don't know for definite. Have you tried asking the Myeloma Infoline?

    I'm not sure if you're asking for you or someone else, or…[Read more]

  • Debs replied to the topic Zometa 'flu' in the forum Side-effects 11 years, 12 months ago

    Just to say that I had my zometa last time over 30 minutes and it made the side effects much better than when I had it over 15 minutes. (Previously I'd had no problems with it).

    I've been on zometa for about 3 years now (although I came off it for my transplant in 2011 – blimey it doesn't feel that long ago!), 18 months since transplant. I…[Read more]

  • Debs replied to the topic Franks SCT take 2 in the forum Treatment 11 years, 12 months ago

    Oh Jean
    I'm a rubbish friend! I didn't even realise that Frank had gone in as I've hardly looked at the site recently.
    It sounds like he's on his way up though and you'll be surprised how it will change now….probably not too long before he'll reach that magic number.
    How are you doing with it all? I always felt for Nick….he'd travel 3…[Read more]

  • Debs started the topic Some sad news. in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years ago

    I think that most people will already know this news, but I am sad to tell everyone that Pamela Buchanan passed away just over two weeks ago. She was known as 'Tinkerbell' on here.
    She gave me a reason for living when I was first diagnosed and was inspirational to the core. I know she hadn't been on for a while but she helped so many people on…[Read more]

  • Debs replied to the topic Bad news in the forum Off topic 12 years ago

    Haha David,
    I'm catching up on the site a bit late but this made me smile….and I needed that so thank you 🙂


  • Debs replied to the topic Tenterhooks in the forum General 12 years ago

    Hi Dai

    I'm going through the same feelings at the moment although I'm being far less careful than you, presuming that I'll be ok :-/ and hoping for the best!

    I'm on maintenance at the moment and after nearly 18 months, my neutrophils dropped to 0.56!! They managed to get me up to 0.8 by taking me off revlimid for 2 weeks and giving me 5…[Read more]

  • Debs replied to the topic The Under 50s Group in the forum Under 50s 12 years ago

    Just bumping this one up so that new Under 50's (or thereabouts!) can get access to the Under 50's site – one bonus of the site is that you can rant and rave if you need to without worrying that the people you are ranting and raving about might read your comments – it is a private site so even those innermost feelings that you don't want your…[Read more]

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