
  • Hello Min
    I just wanted to say thankyou for posting this. I cried as I read it, as I realised that you start the grieving process as soon as your loved one is diagnosed with Myeloma – both for a way of life that is lost, and the loss of the future you dreamed of. Some of the feelings described here apply already and in a funny way it's comforting…[Read more]

  • StephG replied to the topic counselling in the forum Carers 12 years, 10 months ago

    Hello Sarah
    I too went into a bit of a meltdown a few weeks ago, after a bumpy 6 months with my husbands treatment and no sign of a let up. Our Macmillan nurse specialist referred me to a psychology person at the hospital. I went to see her for the first time this week complete with a large amount of scepticism. I came away, whilst not feeling on…[Read more]

  • StephG replied to the topic Another newbie in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 11 months ago

    Hello Mavis
    My Andy is posting on this forum as AndyG. He's just posted an update under 'treatment'. Things aren't really moving in any direction at all up to now unfortunately as his paraproteins are being a bit stubborn. Hopefully now we'll move forward.
    Hope you're doing OK.
    Steph x

  • StephG started the topic Another newbie. in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 11 months ago

    I just wanted to say hello. I joined the forum today, after browsing it last night, and I found the posts really positive and supportive when I was at a low ebb. So, I just wanted to say thanks for helping me out of it.
    I'm a carer for my husband, Andy, who was diagnosed with MM late last year. I knew that he has found the forum really useful -…[Read more]