
  • Tina replied to the topic Holidays in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Min,

    I too am going on holiday, my sister and I are going diving in the Red Sea. Although excited I have mixed emotions as I imagine similar to you I have not been away without my husband for he last 34 yrs.

    Glad to feel you are feeling much better.

    Tina X

  • Tina replied to the topic MUK TRIALS in the forum Treatment 12 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Sue,

    Thought is was worth mentioning that when Patrick was on Bendamustine for just over nine months he suffered with a low platelet count therefore interesting to hear Michael is still on warfarin. Worth keeping an eye on.

    Best Wishes
    Tina X

  • Dear Sarah,

    No need to apologise, I feel just the same. Pat was so energetic and full of life and charmed everyone he met, he was a good person – why him?

    It must be so terribly difficult being in the hospital environment again, do you have someone with you?

    I wish I could give you words of comfort and a big hug but I know we will get…[Read more]

  • Hi All

    Whoops! I replied to Ellen's opening statement instead of starting a new discussion. I have tried to cut and paste but no luck so my first post in this section can be viewed by reading the one reply to Ellen.

    Tina X

    EDIT: Tina, I have moved the rest of your thread under this message. Regards Stuart. MUK WebTeam.

  • Hi Everybody,

    As most of you will know my hubbie Patrick lost his battle in May of this year.
    As the last four years have been a battle with the B**** Myeloma it is sometimes hard to think what life was like before Patrick was diagnosed.
    Yesterday I charged up one of his old mobile phones and looked through the saved video clips. The…[Read more]

  • Tina replied to the topic Kath (aka GrannyGrump) in the forum General 12 years, 8 months ago

    Dear Julie,

    Your lovely mum and I had many cyber conversations and she was sounded like a wonderful lady. I am so happy that she was with her loved ones at home when she was finally released from pain and suffering.

    Take care
    Tina X

  • Tina replied to the topic Zometa v loron? in the forum Treatment 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hi David,

    As we know both drugs are used in the main to treat high levels of calcium in the blood where the calcium leaches out of the bones. (hypercalcaemia)

    Two thoughts on why you are having one and not the other:

    Sodium Clodronate or brand names – Loron & Bonefos are thought to be less harmful to the kidneys than Zometa.

    Zometa is…[Read more]

  • Tina replied to the topic Mini Allo Transplant in the forum General 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Wendy,

    I have been following this blog from the USA for over a year. It follows the trials and tribulations of Lonnie Nesseler who had a non related transplant – makes for very interesting reading.
    If you read it just bear in mind that at the time of the transplant Lonnie was extremely weak and the transplant was his last chance of…[Read more]

  • Hi Bridget,

    Good luck with your Bendamustine treatment you are surely due some respite after all the pain you have been in lately. As I recall, at least with Patrick, there were very few undesirable effects with this drug.

    Tina X

  • Dear sue,

    Great to hear from you but so sorry you are being challenged in every which way, you must be mentally and physically drained. After Revlimid it appears that most MM sufferers are more prone to infection and I am sure you are very vigilant in looking for signs in order to act quickly.

    Good to hear Michael is about to finally recieve…[Read more]

  • Dear Sue,

    I haven't seen you posting recently and wondered how Michael was doing?

    Love Tina X

  • Tina replied to the topic I LOVE in the forum Off topic 12 years, 9 months ago

    I love hope and optimism, inner strength and learning anything new.
    I love the smell of newly cut grass after it has rained
    I love cute puppies..ahh
    I love beating my younger sister at anything!
    I love to laugh
    But most of all..
    I love the beautiful memories of my very special husband and would give up absolutely everything to have him back

  • Hi debs,

    I have sent you a private message


  • Hi Debs,

    Good luck tomorrow!

    Tina X

  • Tina replied to the topic Alternative to Aredia? in the forum Treatment 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Amelie

    Just a word of caution, my husband used Zometa on many occasions but after he had kidney failure (and recovered somewhat) his consultant was hesitant to return to it due. This is not because it caused the kidney failure but that we were told that it would put more strain on the kidneys.


  • Tina replied to the topic Neatropaenic Sepsis in the forum Side-effects 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Gill,

    I think you are right to highlight neutropenic sepsis as I believe I am correct in thinking that it is a condition most myeloma sufferers will find themselves in at some point due to a low neutrophil count.
    Patrick managed to overcome at least three episodes due to quick action in recognising symptoms and getting him in to hospital…[Read more]

  • Hi Debs,

    If the TENS machine works for you and you consider having one for home use I have one that you can have.

    Good Luck


  • Tina replied to the topic Peter in the forum General 12 years, 10 months ago

    Dear Min,

    My heart goes out to you. I know only too well how you must be feeling especially when your darling Peter was taken from you so unexpectedly. As Eve says Peter probably would not have known what was happening to him and now at the very least you may be able to take a little comfort that he is free from pain.
    Trying to make sense of…[Read more]

  • Hi Debs,

    I often think of how you are and have wanted to give you a call but have lost your number.
    Your symptoms sound familiar but unfortunately PN with Velcade is pretty common but a bu**er to deal with. Sounds like Gill's suggestion of Coenzyme Q10 is certainly worth a try, Patrick tried Gabapentin without success, he used my TENS with no…[Read more]

  • Tina replied to the topic No more Velcade in the forum Treatment 12 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Gina,

    Sorry the Velcade is not working for Mum, like Susannah Velcade was the only treatment that never worked for my husband Patrick. By the sound of it your mum will be having a blood transfusion soon which will give her a boost.
    I hope new treatment is sorted soon, your mum sounds like a strong lady.

    Best Wishes

    Tina X

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