I too have only recently been diagnosed and just starting my 2nd round on the cardamom trial. I had no indication other than repeated infections and anaemia, however the initial consultation and treatment was very fast for me, diagnosed mid sept, in treatment after all the tests by beginning October. I too had a holiday booked and have been somewhat confused by the consultant’s thoughts on the holiday. My immunity is very low and going to a country that doesn’t have great hygiene with masses of people around seems like a bad idea. My holiday will be in the middle of my treatment. Some people have delayed treatment to have their holiday, or delay d stem cell transplant, only to find the benefits of the induction gone and having to start again.
Id definitely agree to take another person with you who can hold the info you are told and be aware that sometimes the nurses know more about treatment and effects than the consultant does, or so it seems to me.
I have cancelled my holiday to Sri Lanka, knowing I won’t get cover on insurance to go easily again, but your team will work with you to find the best solution for you.
good luck on your journey, believe that the first few weeks and months are the worst and it does get better