allrelative started the topic Hair loss and natural hair wigs any advice please? in the forum Newcomers 6 years, 10 months ago
My sister will soon loose her hair after planned stem cell transfusion. After 4 months of tteatment and being brave it’s hit home. She is adament she doesnt want a wig but I feel she thinks of the old fashioned woolley hat dtyle ones. I believe you ca get real hair wigs now that look great. Just wanted advice from others on where to buy, how…[Read more]
allrelative replied to the topic How can I help my Sister with Stem cell treatment & hair loss? in the forum Newcomers 6 years, 10 months ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>So pleased she can have someone with her. So when they say up to 3 weeks in hospital is it because they want to keep you away from infection</p>
allrelative replied to the topic How can I help my Sister with Stem cell treatment & hair loss? in the forum Newcomers 6 years, 10 months ago
Ah great photo easy to identify in that illuminous vest 😁. So with regards to her hospital stay will she be allowed visitors? Or is it a no go zone due to infection? Can she have anyone with her whilst having the treatment? She’s so scared bless her.
At the moment she hardly sleeps at night and more recently her appetite has just gone…she feels…[Read more]
allrelative replied to the topic How can I help my Sister with Stem cell treatment & hair loss? in the forum Newcomers 6 years, 10 months ago
Thanks for your replies Robert and David it really does help me to get a perspective on it all. It’s the City at Nottm where she is also going Robert! Under professor Russell..shd hasnt had her meeting yet though with him.
Spoke to my hairdresser this week who cuts and styles wigs for a couple of ladies who have lost their hair through chemo so…[Read more]
allrelative replied to the topic How can I help my Sister with Stem cell treatment & hair loss? in the forum Newcomers 6 years, 10 months ago
Mick thanks for replying and for sharing. This is what she will have. She is scared…the thought of being admitted and the machine etc and of course the hair loss.
allrelative started the topic How can I help my Sister with Stem cell treatment & hair loss? in the forum Newcomers 6 years, 10 months ago
So my sister has been very brave she is on cycle 4 of 6 and is just getting on with it…she is having 2 visits a week of chemo injections and steriod tablets. She has been told her blood levels paraproteins are reducing well and consultant is bery happy.
As I said she has been very positive with the odd wobble but just got on with it. So now…[Read more]
allrelative became a registered member 6 years, 10 months ago