alpenator started the topic Remission no 2 in the forum Treatment 10 years ago
Remission no 2 ended before it started!
I was on Velcade + Dex and starting cycle 6 when haematologist gave me the bad news that para protein had shot up to 39 having been on a downward trend last month. The MM had come back ‘very aggressively’ and Velcade not working any more.
So now on to Revlimid + Dex.
Any similar experiences?
alpenator replied to the topic DEXAMETHASONE- debilitating side effects after only 2 cycles of vcd!! in the forum Side-effects 10 years, 4 months ago
There have been lots of responses to your original post; but I will add my bit if I may.
On my first chemo regime, after diagnosis, I was on CTDa but had to come off it after 41/2 months as I was so ill that I waas spending most days in bed and feeling like death.
My consultant said that there was no poine continuing if the treatmen was worse than…[Read more]
alpenator started the topic Dex and Weight Gain in the forum Side-effects 10 years, 4 months ago
Just finished my second cycle of Velcade + Dex with very few side effects. However during the last week (after my last injection and pills) I have put on 12lb.
No other changes in lifestyle to explain this.
Anyone else had such rapid weight gain? My GP says that it is down to the Dex
alpenator started the topic Dex and Weight Gain in the forum Side-effects 10 years, 4 months ago
Just finished my second cycle of Velcade + Dex with very few side effects. However during the last week (after my last injection and pills) I have put on 12lb.
No other changes in lifestyle to explain this.
Anyone else had such rfapid weight gain? My GP says that it is down to the Dex
alpenator replied to the topic dry unpleasant mouth in the forum Side-effects 10 years, 4 months ago
For the nausea, try Gin Gin Chews from Holland and Barrett (and elsewhere) I found/find this much better than the Metoclopramide.
I am now on Velcade + Dex and still have problems with a sore mouth (rather than a bad taste)
You never can tell with these side effects, we MM sufferers must suffer more side effects than any other people.
alpenator replied to the topic Good news on Velcade + Dex in the forum Side-effects 10 years, 4 months ago
@ Sue
I am on Velcade + Dex (dont like to abbreviate to VD!)
I must say that on this cycle (2) I have very few side effects thank goodness; bit depressed at times and the PN soesn’y get any better, but all in all not too bad.
On the plus side, I do NOT have back pain for the first time in more than 2 years, I cant tell you howe good that is 🙂
alpenator replied to the topic Good news on Velcade + Dex in the forum Side-effects 10 years, 4 months ago
Dont worry about Velcade side effects, not nearly as bad as CDT in my experience and they seem to get less as you get into the treatment. I am midway through se3cond cycle and the main side effects remaining are the PN in my feet, and like Ian I have some loss of feeling around my knees, also I have difficulty sleeping for the 2 nights…[Read more]
alpenator started the topic Good news on Velcade + Dex in the forum Side-effects 10 years, 4 months ago
Had my second injection in the second cycle yesterday and apart from an interrupted night’s sleep have had no negative reactions this time around. It looks as if, as some of you have said, this treatment does get better as far as side effects are concerned.
Take the good news and go forward into battle!
alpenator started the topic Light Chain measurement in the forum General 10 years, 4 months ago
I read lots of posts referring to ‘light chains’ and have read the info sheet on them; but it is something never mentioned by my haematologist (I intend to ask him at our next meeting.)
How common is this measurement amongst my fellow MMers?
alpenator replied to the topic Constipation in the forum Side-effects 10 years, 5 months ago
I am currently on my 2nd cycle of Velcade + Dex after my first relapse of MM.
I seem to be on a cycle of constipation and diarrhoea, nothing normal with this disease is there.
I take Laxido regularly for other stomach problems and find that after 2 days of constipation I need to up the doses of Laxido from 2 a day to perhaps 3 or 4 – that usually…[Read more]
alpenator replied to the topic Eye problems? in the forum General 10 years, 5 months ago
My MM was diagnosed after a visit to my optician with badly blurred vision. He sent me directly to local hospital eye clinic who admitted me on the spot and 10 days later I was home with MM.
My first round of CTDa largely cleared up the vision but I recently relapsed with the first indication being blurred vision again. This is continuing in my…[Read more]
alpenator started the topic Velcade + Dex continues in the forum Treatment 10 years, 5 months ago
My 4th Velcade injection comes on Friday with a weeks rest before seeing my consultant. Not finding this regime too bad although the steroid ‘downer’ gets worse with every cycle. My back pains seem to move around my lower back, no 2 days the same (today I can hardly walk.) I was told last week that as my blood count was so low I may need a second…[Read more]
alpenator started the topic Remission no 1 is over in the forum Treatment 10 years, 6 months ago
Just back from seeing my consultant with the news that MM is back after 10 months remission.
Not what I wanted to hear but it is what I expected as I had noticed a lump in my skull getting larger and vey quickly. My eyesight has also been blurredd, which is where I started when first diagnosed in May 2013.
What do I expect from my second phase of…[Read more]
alpenator replied to the topic Living with myeloma book: your hints and tips in the forum General 10 years, 11 months ago
Great idea; we do feel alone at times and people who do not use this forum must feel even worse.
Having completed (almost) the intial CTDa treatment I am in my 5th month of ‘remission.’
The worst thing for me is that I often feel very depressed that I have lost the ‘me’ that I knew and will never get him back.
I feel unwell for most of the time…[Read more]
alpenator replied to the topic peripheral neuropathy in the forum Side-effects 10 years, 11 months ago
Like many others I suffer from PN in m y feet with the same feelings as others have described. I do find that bed socks help at night.
I also suffer from very cold hands which I suspect is also PN.
All not very pleasant but better than some side effects.
alpenator started the topic Continuing Side-effects in the forum Side-effects 10 years, 11 months ago
I am now in my 5th month of remission after an initial set of CTDa, but still have a number of side effects that may be of some interest to others.
I still get a lot of pain in my legs and lower back for which I take a low dose of Zomorph, after the initial Oramorph made me very nauseous. However the Zomorph ‘zonks’ me out in a morning (don’t…[Read more]
alpenator replied to the topic Zometa in the forum Side-effects 11 years, 2 months ago
I have read on another MM Forum about the side effects from Zometa and it appears that patients in USA get more information and warnings about these than I did.
I have been on Zometa for 7 months now and have only received the Macmillan leaflet which seems to me to treat the dangers lightly.
I have told my dentist that I am on Zometa and will…[Read more]