andrewr replied to the topic Re: Just joined today dgx with a paraprotein pls help! in the forum Under 50s 9 years, 1 month ago
I was diagnosed with MM via a similar route when I was 47. The term smouldering MM wasn’t even used then because it was back in 1997. I’ve since, through the watching and bloodtest process, had two autologous transplants (the last in October 15).
As somebody else said MM is individual and it’s better being watched so that early treatment…[Read more]
andrewr replied to the topic SCT very soon in the forum Treatment 9 years, 3 months ago
sorry – you’ll feel rough for a week or two
andrewr replied to the topic SCT very soon in the forum Treatment 9 years, 3 months ago
With the exception of the help of the doctor I could have written pretty much the same story only 5 weeks ago. I’m now worried that I’m putting weight back on faster than I’d like, working in the garden and eating for England!
It’s amazing how, once the recovery starts, how fast you start getting your strength back – hang in there. You’ll…[Read more]
andrewr replied to the topic SCT very soon in the forum Treatment 9 years, 3 months ago
I’m about 6 weeks post second SCT. I’m recovering well and putting weight back on again after losing two stones. Already I have most of my energy back and plan to start picking up my normal voluntary work again very shortly.
The SCT process was rough and visitors and text and facebook support from friends and family was very important at…[Read more]
andrewr replied to the topic SCT very soon in the forum Treatment 9 years, 3 months ago
I was allowed visitors every day as long as they had a plastic apron and gloves
andrewr replied to the topic SCT very soon in the forum Treatment 9 years, 3 months ago
Just had my SCT at St. James some rooms can get a decent 4G signal!
Great nursing staff though
andrewr replied to the topic SCT very soon in the forum Treatment 9 years, 3 months ago
You forget how bad it was!
The melphalan does knock you about. It took a couple of days to get the sickness it causes under control and I basically stopped eating, ultimately losing two stones in weight. Now I’m eating again my taste buds are beginning to come back and my paraproteins have dropped significantly.
It has to be said that response…[Read more]
andrewr replied to the topic SCT very soon in the forum Treatment 9 years, 3 months ago
Just b een through my second SCT (thankfully 15 years apart) and whilst it’s rough at times memory fades very quickly as you begin to recover.
Good luck
andrewr replied to the topic Pessimistic Consultant ? in the forum Treatment 9 years, 6 months ago
I was diagnosed in 1997, had first transplant in 1999, crawled out of hospital on Dec 24th 1999 and just made a Dec 31st Millenium Party.
Obviously I am one of a tiny percentile
andrewr replied to the topic Pessimistic Consultant ? in the forum Treatment 9 years, 6 months ago
Hi Peter,
I have about a 6 week gap between harvest (yesterday) and stem cell transplant (Oct 4th). I’m using this time to go to the Southampton Boat Show, visit Mum in Law, and spend a couple of weeks on my boat in Spain. How’s that for not letting MM rule you – even when in treatment phase. All fully supported by the Leeds Consultants.
As far…[Read more]
andrewr replied to the topic Pessimistic Consultant ? in the forum Treatment 9 years, 6 months ago
I think you definitely need to talk to other consultants. I’m 64 and undergoing the full SCT (yeahh… got full stem cell harvest over on 1st day and that was today!), None of these things are very pleasant but they are manageable unless they come up with serious reasons why it’s not for you.
Remember by having an SCT you keep all the other…[Read more]
andrewr started the topic GCSF Side Effects in the forum Side-effects 9 years, 6 months ago
I’m just in the process of going through a stem cell harvest for SCT No. 2 (No.1 was in 1999).
On Sunday, night 5 days after the Cyclo Priming, and about 2 hours after my evening self-injection of GCSF I started with kidney pain. This got to seriously painful levels and was characterised by a 2-3 second throbbing peak to the pain in both kidneys.…[Read more]
andrewr replied to the topic Pessimistic Consultant ? in the forum Treatment 9 years, 6 months ago
I have to say that Renal Consultants do not figure highly in my list a competent practitioners. When my GP suspected problems but with no idea of what they might be, I was under the the “care” of a renal specialist. After a weekend in hospital for test I went to see him and he told me very bluntly that I had an incurable cancer, Multiple Myeloma.…[Read more]
andrewr replied to the topic How to find Independent financial advisors specialising with terminaly il in the forum Off topic 10 years, 1 month ago
Just balancing the last comments from David.
I bought impaired life annuities in 2000 after being told that I had 10% chance of living 5 years. That is now exactly 15 years ago.
As has been said by Financial reporters the risks with the new system are related to underestimating how long you will survive. New treatment regimes are forever…[Read more]
andrewr replied to the topic How to find Independent financial advisors specialising with terminaly il in the forum Off topic 10 years, 2 months ago
Sorry but I don’t often visit this forum and have only just seen your post.
What you are looking for are called “Impaired Life” annuities. You can drop your old pension funds into these and the insurers pay a higher monthly pension rate because your life expectancy is shorter.
You can tailor these to your needs in terms of: fixed or increasing…[Read more]
andrewr replied to the topic Travel Insurance in the forum Under 50s 10 years, 3 months ago
If you bank with First Direct I would recommend their First Directory bolt on package which includes travel insurance via Aviva. Costs about £16 per month and involves all the standard questions but covers you and your partner, worldwide. Also gives phone cover and car breakdown.
andrewr became a registered member 10 years, 3 months ago