
  • First of all apologies for having to fragment my post as the system won't accept it all in one go.

    Fundraising and Awareness Day

    Even though I am on treatment at the moment and feeling pretty rubbish, I have an overwhelming desire to do something to give something back. Sometimes we are all so busy working to make a living and there is…[Read more]

  • batterboy58 replied to the topic Revlimid in the forum Treatment 13 years ago

    Hi All

    Just coming to the end of my first week of treatment, the first 4 days were okay, day 5 had pamidronate on drip at hospital and that night was running a high temperature all night and almost called the hospital. Next day the temperature was down but the first day off the dex hit me for six and I felt very fatigued and was unable to…[Read more]

  • batterboy58 replied to the topic Revlimid in the forum Treatment 13 years ago

    Hi Pennie & Andy

    Your journey quite closely mirrors my own, diagnosed 12 years ago, CVAMP and SCT, 7 years remission then Velcade and 2nd SCT and 3 years remission.
    I also will be starting Revlimid & Dex next week and the future seems very uncertain and scary. However I am only 53 and my wife is 42.
    We are also endeavoring to change our…[Read more]

  • batterboy58 replied to the topic restless feet in the forum Side-effects 13 years ago

    I had this pretty bad after Velcade and I believe it is one of the side effects. It does get better but I still feel it from time to time but not so extreme.
    I believe I was prescribed Amitriptyline for this condition perhaps you could ask your Doctor for something to help.


  • batterboy58 replied to the topic Need to offload in the forum General 14 years ago

    Hi Lorraine

    I am sure your prof knows what he is doing so don't let things get to you too much, I know that no matter how upbeat one is it is sometimes hard to put everything in the right boxes and it is good to offload, I hope you feel better now.
    I myself have been living with this disease for 10 years now and have had 2 SCTs, the last one…[Read more]