chevgr replied to the topic Revlamid in the forum Treatment 7 years, 10 months ago
Thanks for your reply. What other drugs were revlamid used with jellytot?
I didn’t have revlamid in the end. The suggestion was VRD but the insurance company said revlamid isnr authorised yet for frontline treatment. So I’m on VCD . Just completed one cycle now on the second. No change in paraprotein levels but it’s early.
chevgr started the topic Revlamid in the forum Treatment 7 years, 12 months ago
Has anyone ever had Revlamid suggested as initial treatment? I am recently diagnosed and haven’t begun treatment yet. I was initially told I would start on VCD but now there is talk of Revlamid being used as initial treatment. I don’t know why/have details yet.
I fully trust my doctors and will go with whatever they think best, but, just…[Read more]
chevgr replied to the topic Just been diagnosed!! in the forum Under 50s 7 years, 12 months ago
thanks alex
chevgr replied to the topic Just been diagnosed!! in the forum Under 50s 8 years ago
chevgr replied to the topic Just been diagnosed!! in the forum Under 50s 8 years ago
Great to hear.
On the question of exercise. Do you do all the usual gym training now?
Can one exercise during treatment as long as one feels well? The dr told me not to use weights. I guess because of potential bone issues? What about other forms of gym work anyone have experience?
chevgr replied to the topic Holidays while having treatment in the forum Treatment 8 years ago
Thanks for the reply. Good news you managed to get away
chevgr started the topic Holidays while having treatment in the forum Treatment 8 years ago
hello. I hope this doesn’t seem like a trite question but are you allowed to go on holiday while having the initial pre SCT treatment e.g. VCD or VDT? If it’s somewhere nearby e.g. France or Spain?
I know drs are cautious but I think some sun and change of environment can really help a patients mood and sense of well being?
chevgr replied to the topic Just been diagnosed!! in the forum Under 50s 8 years ago
Oh that’s annoying the last message came out as HTML!
I’ll repost:
“thanks for the reply. My paraproteins are 49 so I guess that means I’ll start treatment soon? Is that high or does it mean it’s advanced?
How long does each cycle last and can you work in between or are you off work for a while?
Good news yours have come down so much
chevgr replied to the topic Just been diagnosed!! in the forum Under 50s 8 years ago
Oh that’s annoying the last message came out as HTML!
I love repost:
“thanks for the reply. My paraproteins are 49 so I guess that means I’ll start treatment soon? Is that high or does it mean it’s advanced?
How long does each cycle last and can you work in between or are you off work for a while?
Good news yours have come down so much
chevgr replied to the topic Just been diagnosed!! in the forum Under 50s 8 years ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi Rob</p>
<p style=”text-align: left;”>thanks for the reply. My paraproteins are 49 so I guess that means I’ll start treatment soon? Is that high or does it mean it’s advanced?</p>
<p style=”text-align: left;”>How long does each cycle last and can you work in between or are you off work for a while?</p>
<p…[Read more]
chevgr replied to the topic Just been diagnosed!! in the forum Under 50s 8 years ago
Hello all
I read this with interest. I’m newly diagnosed, 47, male. Inspired by the stories of good response to treatment.
I have no idea what my treatment plan will be yet.
chevgr became a registered member 8 years ago