coasti started the topic Potential new drug: NMP in the forum Treatment 10 years, 10 months ago
This looks very promising, an existing drug that shows signs of begin effective against MM in 2 ways starting trial in Australia. Lets hope it’s successful and we get trials here soon.
coasti replied to the topic Website trouble shooting / getting help in the forum General 10 years, 10 months ago
Hi webTeam,
Any chance you could add tapatalk support for access from mobiles & tablets ?
coasti replied to the topic My wife's side effects post SCT in the forum Treatment 10 years, 11 months ago
Hi there,
Sorry you and your wife are having such a touch time. I didn’t have the delusional symptoms when I had my autoSCT but it very much reminds me of when my Mum was in hospital having a hip replacement. She caught a simple urine infection and it caused her to be totally delusion, refusing medication not reckoning people. It was very sca…[Read more]
coasti replied to the topic Pomi-T supplement in the forum Treatment 11 years ago
Hi Jane,
Thanks for the tip on vitamin B and folic acid, I think I’ll give that a go for my PN which isn’t painful just a bit numb at the moment. I’d read conflicting things about ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) and didn’t want to risk it just yet.
Enjoy the gym!
coasti replied to the topic MGUS and smouldering myeloma; how does it come to light? in the forum Newcomers 11 years ago
Hi Julie,
My MGUS was diagnosed from a routine blood test at the GP that I had for something completely unrelated and I had no symptoms. Blood test showed a high level of paraproteins and I had more tests after that.
I’ve read that stat before that around 10% of over 60’s have MGUS. But if 10% of MGUS people go on to have MM that’s a lot of…[Read more]
coasti started the topic Hello in the forum Newcomers 11 years ago
Thought I’d introduce myself here as I’ve read the forum in the past but have only posted recently. I was diagnosed MGUS 11 years ago with quite high PP but no symptoms. Nothing changed for years, and I got to the point of largely forgetting about it and assuming I was going to be one of the lucky ones that don’t progress to MM. I wasn’t a…[Read more]
coasti started the topic Pomi-T supplement in the forum Treatment 11 years ago
I came across Pomi-T supplement recently, and thought about taking. It contains green tea, pomegranate seed extract, broccoli extract and turmeric. It’s UK made and has been tested in trial for prostate cancer. (info here:
I think I’ll ask my doc about it when I’m next at clinic, but I got frowned at a bit last time I…[Read more]
coasti replied to the topic Back is Healing! in the forum Under 50s 11 years ago
Hi Emma,
I’m new on the forum too, and I’m also considering the allogeneic as part of the LenaRIC trial. Just wondering if that is what you were given the option of? As you say it’s a huge decision. I was presented with it half way through my CTD therapy for autoSCT (which I had just before Xmas), so have been thinking about it for a while and…[Read more]
coasti replied to the topic New to forum in the forum Newcomers 11 years ago
Hi Jane,
Thanks for the update. Quite a scare you had last time, but as you say so long as it results in a good outcome it’s worth it.
Good luck, and thanks for sharing your long term living with this story !
coasti replied to the topic New to forum in the forum Newcomers 11 years ago
Hi Jane,
I’m a forum newbie too, just had my first SCT. Interested that you had better result from your second transplant as I’ve been told to expect that a second one is normally half the remission length.
coasti replied to the topic Bayer CEO – New Drug "not for poor people" in the forum Treatment 11 years ago
MyelomaUK were presenting today to Scottish Parliament committee on getting earlier access to new drugs. Don’t know what the outcome was though
coasti replied to the topic Best place for treatment within the UK… in the forum Treatment 11 years ago
Hi, Would like to give a big thumbs up for the Beatson Centre in Glasgow where I’ve been getting treatment. Excellent team there, doctors very good and clear in discussing treatment, issues etc at clinics. I had SCT in the transplant ward and the full team were great, only issue was the food …. not good 🙁 Also they have a Maggie’s centre th…[Read more]
coasti started the topic Anybody on the LenaRIC trial (Mini allo transplant), I might be starting soon in the forum Treatment 11 years ago
I’ve just completed my first autograft (~ day +70) and I’m considering doing the LenaRIC trial which involves having a reduced intensity donor transplant with lenalidomide after for a year. Anybody else considered this trial or currently on it? It’s a big decision.
Thanks for reading,