colt1956 replied to the topic Marks on soles of feet in the forum Newcomers 10 years ago
Hi Richard,Thanks for your help I will phone my doctor to- day ,I just happen to have a cold sore too.Iam glad your Neuropathy has gone gives me some hope take care and thanks again.
colt1956 replied to the topic grief at loss of my wonderfull dad in the forum End of Life and Grief 10 years ago
Hi jeff,so sorry for your loss especially so soon after diagnosis it must have been a real shock but jeff in time it will get easier I know when I lost my son I thought my world has ended but with help and support from family and friends I got through it and you will too.Good luck jeff.
colt1956 changed their profile picture 10 years ago
colt1956 started the topic Marks on soles of feet in the forum Newcomers 10 years ago
Hi to everyone,I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma 6 mths ago and now in remission awaiting stem cell transplant,feeling ok apart from bouts of neuropathy in my feet and just recently I have noticed small red marks which are a little raised and itchy sometimes, has anyone else had this,Iam on gabapentin for the nerve pain.Love and blessings to…[Read more]
colt1956 became a registered member 10 years, 1 month ago