Hello everybody
My first posting on the site, so please forgive any mistakes.
I was diagnosed just over 2 years ago, and treatment (initially CDT now Revlimid and dexamethasone) has worked quite well, apart from having dosage halved as I suffered balance problems.
However, in the summer I had what I thought were a few insect bites, usually overnight. My GP was unsure and my Consultant also drew no conclusions. On Christmas Eve I noticed a large number of the spots on my chest and stomach. Managed to see a doctor at my surgery who recommended stopping the Revlimid. No more spots since but not happy about interrupting the treatment. (I have previously had colorectal cancer and complications from this led to an earlier myeloma treatment interruption).
I see my Consultant next week but am interested in whether this is a common problem and what palliatives have been prescribed.
Best wishes