
  • hello gill
    its been along time since ive been here.i feel for you & your name is stephen dawn passed away 29/01/12.i must have cried every day for six months,i still have my moments now.people said to me it will get easier.those words dont help you at the time.all i wanted to do was go to sleep & never wake up.theres not aday goes…[Read more]

  • hello dai
    such sad news,the loss of both have helped so many people with your replys to our nicola i havent been on for a long time.i try & keep myself busy every thoughts are with you dai.

    best wishes

  • hello min
    thankyou for your message.ive had my mum telling me not to forget my kids too.i am trying to keep it all together & trying to look after joe & jade.joe is 24 & jade is nearly 18.they seem to be coping better than still taking one day at a time.thankyou for your advice.i have read a bit about have had very hard times…[Read more]

  • hello sarah
    im so sorry i havent answered your message.i havent visited this site for a so sorry for the loss of your kids joe & jade say i dont talk to them.what do i say to them.its so difficult. like you say ,people say it does get better,not for me either im still so bloody angry.all i want to do is go to bed and sleep my…[Read more]

  • hello nicola

    my thoughts are with you & you family. like everyone says take baby steps
    best wishes

  • hello eve

    it is horrible going to bed & getting up in the mornings.i will try & take some of your advice.your right the kids do worry about saying or doing the wrong daughter comes in to my bedroom all night checking to see if im all right.bless her.i have been emailing dai aswell.
    look after yourself

    best wishes…[Read more]

  • thankyou tom

    im trying to be strong,very difficult though

    best wishes


  • dawstep replied to the topic dawn in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 11 months ago

    hello bridget

    we are all suffering on this site. i find it comforting being here. dawn was my life. dawn was loved by so many people.over 200 at her funeral.her wake lasted 8 hours.i hired a social club & over 100 turned up there.still about 50 people there at & dawn are so proud of what joe & his friends & spar raised for m.m.u.k.i…[Read more]

  • hello
    my name is stephen.i have wrote a few words but its on the newcomer page.i cant write it out again sorry for the inconvience.

  • dawstep started the topic dawn. in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 11 months ago

    hello to everyone & jean who i have spoken to.
    im stephen im 47 years old.we have 2 kids joe who is 24 & jade who is 17. im writing this now & im crying like a wife dawn had al amyloidosis myeloma.she was diagnosed in aug 2010.sadly she passed away on 29/01/12.she was trying to be so strong,she was so very brave.for the last 18 months of…[Read more]

  • hello jean
    my name is stephen.thankyou for contacting me.i was caring for dawn normally from 1300hrs on work days, thats when i normally finished place of work worked round me for 18 months & im very gratefull for mother inlaw looked after dawn until i got home from work.i was on the go for most days for 18 hrs aday.i didnt mind…[Read more]

  • hello so sorry to hear that your husband passed name is stephen im 47.sadly my wife dawn passed away 29/01/12.she had al amyloidosis myeloma (heart).im new to the myeloma site.just like yourself my dawn was everything to me & my best getting very upset writing this email.i think i will leave it like this for now.i…[Read more]