derbyshirelass replied to the topic husband newly diganosed in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
Hi Julia,
Sorry to hear that you are still waiting but you are in the “system” and at last things are starting to happen. Terry had his 4th and final chemo on Friday that completes cycle 1.
The hospital bed should be arriving with us on Monday, so Terry should be able to come home Tuesday, he is quite worried about coming home about how we will…[Read more]
derbyshirelass replied to the topic husband newly diganosed in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
Hello Julia,
glad you got out of the house for a bit of normality, it seems at times that our world revolves around the Myeloma (which is true at the minute ). I am sure your son will work through the shock and when treatment starts to happen will feel more able to cope, we find it hard seeing our Hubby’s in this state it must be equally hell…[Read more]
derbyshirelass replied to the topic husband newly diganosed in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
Hello Julia,
Commode duties certainly count in my book as “mucking out “. It is all very scary at the pace with which things seem to move, but lets hope after Friday things will move at a good rate for you and Steve and the action will really start, that too is scary but in a sort of good way, because you feel that help is at hand every one is…[Read more]
derbyshirelass replied to the topic husband newly diganosed in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
Hello Julia,
Managed a bit earlier night last night, another very hectic day, had to get help in early evening to trim the goats feet, mornings taken up with feeding watering and mucking out, then off to hospital 40 mile round trip then the evenings with much of the same plus all off the extras that come along.
How our lives have changed just…[Read more]
derbyshirelass replied to the topic husband newly diganosed in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
Hi Julia,
You have mention “gout”, Terry supposedly had gout (that what are gp said) in his ribs !!!!!!!!
the myeloma consultant raised his eyebrows at this news,.Terry also has had pain in back and ribs for a number of years, GP said gout for his rib area and wear and tear for his back.
When our emergency A&E admission on the 21st may due t…[Read more]
derbyshirelass replied to the topic husband newly diganosed in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
Hi Julia. you to are burning the midnight oil !!!
Terry is still doing well with no side effects to the 2nd chemo treatment (so far so good ) and the pain remains manageable. Sorry about the “commode ” but as you say needs must, Tonight I have just ordered a “older persons high seat arm chair ” for when Terry comes home.
When I read about your…[Read more]
derbyshirelass replied to the topic husband newly diganosed in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
Hello Julia,
So very pleased that you have transport sorted out, it is a worry how to get our stiff/unmobile men into vehicles, its just another “thing” that we have to ask for help with.
All the very best to you both and roll on next week, I am very glad that you like to chat as I also find it a great help, that some one else understands just…[Read more]
derbyshirelass replied to the topic husband newly diganosed in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
Hello Julia,
Sorry for the delay, wild weather here in west wales and we lost the internet ( not that rare ).
Hope Steve is feeling a little better now that the pain is under control.For the 1st time in months terry described his pain as MILD when nurses asked him today, he has at last got a really effective pain management plan in place and…[Read more]
derbyshirelass replied to the topic husband newly diganosed in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
Born and bred in Derbyshire but moved to Carmarthenshire Wales 13 years ago and run a smallholding.
Good news on your appointment, please keep in touch, I agree this Myeloma at first makes you feel very isolated no one has heard of it and you think why me/us with this rare nasty little beasty, But when you comes to terms with it (…[Read more]
derbyshirelass replied to the topic husband newly diganosed in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
The spinal brace in Terry’s case is only removed when he is in bed.
it was made for him at the hospital, it is like a turtle shell around his front and back ,from just under the armpit area to his hips.(hard plastic type ) a head rest at the back with 2 steel type rods that fit at the front that then go up to a chin rest that keeps hi…[Read more]
derbyshirelass replied to the topic husband newly diganosed in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
my husband was diagnosed on the 22nd May, after his sternum fractured and he was admitted to A&E, he already had a “unexplained spinal fracture ” that our GP was treating with strong painkillers.
Once the ball got rolling ie ct scan bone marrow biopsy the team have acted very quickly.
Hubby is 62 normally very fit and active, he has…[Read more]
derbyshirelass replied to the topic husband newly diganosed in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
Thank you for your encouragement, and yes we woman are very strong when we get the “bit between our teeth “.
Hope you had a good day yesterday, your 1st email really bucked hubby up, the shoes and socks made him laugh and he said that will be his target also, little steps that will get us through. It will be a tough journey and we will like you…[Read more]
derbyshirelass replied to the topic husband newly diganosed in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
thank you so much for the post and the encouragement, I have printed your reply and will take into hospital to show him tomorrow this will really give him a boost.
Thank you so much, for taking the time to care I will sleep a little better tonight.
Hope you have a successful day tomorrow, and to you also the very best of w…[Read more]
derbyshirelass started the topic husband newly diganosed in the forum Newcomers 7 years, 9 months ago
very new to forums and never heard of myeloma until last Monday, what a huge shock.
hubby has been suffering with back and chest pain for a very long time, GP treated him for gout ,
Anyway, he has several fractures of his spine and last Sunday his sternum fractured and that’s when we ended up in A&E and the ball got rolling.
Due to…[Read more]
derbyshirelass became a registered member 7 years, 9 months ago