eaglesham23 started the topic Side effects……aaagh! in the forum Treatment 10 years, 11 months ago
I am a 48 year old male and was diagnosed with Myeloma in February and am in my second cycle of CTD treatment.
I am really struggling with side effects of dizziness and headaches at the moment. My steroids have been halved but I feel it has not made any difference. My blood results though are good and the consultant is keen for me to persevere…[Read more]
eaglesham23 replied to the topic Newly Diagnosed – 27th August 2013 in the forum Under 50s 10 years, 11 months ago
I am 48 years old and was diagnosed with Myeloma in February. I am on my second cycle of treatment and am finding it very difficult. I am constantly dizzy and get frequent headaches. The hospital say it is a result of the steroids have cut the number I take but I don’t feel it has made any difference. I do not know if this is normal or…[Read more]