elizabethmoore replied to the topic Coping with pessimistic Consultants in the forum Carers 9 years, 5 months ago
What a rotten hand to be dealt. Each a horrible illness on its own.All your emotions are perfectly understandable and justified .Feeling cheated of years of “normal”life with your husband and family is so very hard to bear.You are not old which is yet another insult to you.
Doctors are not always good when faced with such bad news and struggle to…[Read more]
elizabethmoore replied to the topic Andy in the forum General 9 years, 5 months ago
Hi,I am liz moore. Do youmean Andy godfrey? if so he has been very ill with pneumonia andhas been in Icu.If this is the Andy, Tom knows more.Hope you are well yourself
elizabethmoore replied to the topic my husband is well so why is it all so difficult? in the forum Carers 9 years, 7 months ago
Itis difficult to live with the knowledge of your life threatened by this lousy form of cancer. i try to use and practise mindfulness Rebecca is correct andI thank her for her splendid posting.Does your husband take any anti depressant therapy? Id,I take Sertraline 100mg.daily and that helped me to stop being so anxious andvery reluctant to…[Read more]
elizabethmoore posted an update 9 years, 9 months ago
I am going to the Myeloma Info.Day in Edinburgh with anticipation,tomorrow It is the first I have attended.since diagnosisOct 2012.Interested particularly in treatment of relapse and also new treatments
elizabethmoore posted an update 10 years, 1 month ago
an update on my illness and looking to Robertrobert0429
elizabethmoore posted an update 10 years, 1 month ago
Hi I am on my 6th cycle of Velcade andprednisolone and my pp are down to 9 and sflc down to 35.Consultant thinks I should be off treatment andonitored. I am pretty good at present and am keen to do vari0us trips Disneyland Paris with my grandchildren fulfilling a promise and perhaps a couple of short breaks in Europe.Consultant said this would…[Read more]
elizabethmoore posted an update 10 years, 1 month ago