
  • elizabethmoore posted an update 10 years, 1 month ago

    Hi I am on my 6th cycle of Velcade and\prednisolone and my pp are down to 9 and sflc down to 35.Consultant thinks I should be off treatment andonitored. I am pretty good at present and am keen to do vari0us trips Disneyland Paris with my grandchildren fulfilling a promise and perhaps a couple of short breaks in Europe.Consultant said this would be fine.
    I had such a horrendous time on CTD the dex disturbing my psychological behaviour and every nasty side effect known to Thalidomide.I felt lost for a year.
    Robert you say you take supplements I take,folic acid 5mg.zinc.I have not tried curcumin as I have been on Velcade.Do you take any antioxidants or Co enzymesupplements,would you be willing to share your regime?I too have been disappointed by my inquiry into a vitaminand supplements regime.They seem to be reluctant to recommend anything
    I want to keep wellfor my family. I did not have a stem cell transplant due to all the problems ,even the consultant said my husband and I had had a horrific 6 months.During the time since my diagnosisOct2012 my husband has had to have aR hip replacement and 6weeks ago he had to have aLhip revision as his hip replacement in 2008 was Metal ONMetal and was causing damage to the soft tissue and cartilage round about!!!
    I managed to care for him post.op twice and am so glad he has got rid of the faulty joint.
    Enough of that.
    I wish you all the stamina to fight this poisonous illness and a Good New Year to you all