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  • #148502


    Hi @rabbit and thank you for your comments. It’s good to hear that you are now being able to enjoy holidays again. I agree that while having treatment it is better to be safe than sorry. I am still waiting my results but it’s very reassuring to know that even if they are the results that I’m dreading, things will get better again and you can still have some ‘normality’.
    I hope you continue to do well and thank you so much again for your post.
    Emily xx



    @jb2514 I’m glad you’ve been able to at least have some breaks away in the UK and I hope you’re able to venture further soon.

    I think your outlook of taking one day at a time is a really good piece of advice. I’m going to try and think more like that.

    I’ve read quite a few posts on forums where people are still in remission after several years and still going strong which is really nice to read.

    I hope you continue to do well following your treatment x



    Thank you @jb2514. I was up early to take my bottle back to the GP surgery this morning before starting work so I guess I’ll know something quite soon.

    Can I ask what your first symptoms were?

    Also, this may sound a silly question but does a diagnosis then stop you from doing things like being able to take holidays abroad?

    I’m asking because I had a bit of a breakdown night and when I said to my husband ‘What if I really do have cancer’ he said we would have to make the most of every opportunity with things but when he mentioned holidays it crossed my mind this might not even be an option.

    I hope you don’t mind me asking questions and I really hope you are now recovering well from your SCT xx

    Just seen the protein dipstick test my GP also requested is positive for protein :o( it doesn’t say what protein it is though. I guess I’ll have to wait for the 24 hour one for those results xx

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  emily40.


    I feel negative rather than positive as I’m so scared but you are absolutely right, what will be will be and I can’t change that.

    Despite thinking I might be better not knowing (and I was really tempted to put off doing the urine collection) I know that catching things earlier is usually better in the long run and I also know if I don’t do it I will have it hanging over me making me feel this way until I do so best get it over with.

    I think it makes me feel worse when I read that Myeloma is incurable. Saying that I have read quite a few stories about people in remission for several years and still going which gives me a little hope that a diagnosis doesn’t automatically mean everything is over xx



    Just a quick update to say I now have my 24 hour bottle to begin tomorrow. Part of me can’t wait for it being out of the way but a bigger part of me is terrified of the outcome in case it is really bad news. Either way I’ll post when I know more. I also have another single sample tube which I will use for my first wee in the morning. I need to take that back to my GP for a dipstick protein test. Part of me wants to delay doing it but I know it won’t change the outcome and as with anything medical I’m sure it’s better to find out sooner or later if you have a life changing illness.
    Kind regards,
    Emily xx



    Thank you so much Jane. I fully appreciate you are not a GP but it’s really helpful to know the points you’ve raised above as I honestly didn’t have a clue which, if any of them, were of any relevance to Myeloma. I just have Bence Jones protein stuck in my head from Doctor Google (which I know I shouldn’t look on) and that’s all I’ve focussed on and I haven’t been tested for that yet. I’m going to try and stop dwelling on it until I’ve done my proper urine test now (24 hour). I’m waiting on my GP contacting me to say they have it for me to collect. You’ve really helped ease my mind tonight with all the information you’ve given me, particularly about how outdated the internet is for Myeloma treatment etc. The internet is fully to blame for how anxious and worked up I’ve got myself because it’s just so negative. Whatever happens with my upcoming tests I’ll definitely put an update on here.
    Take care and thank you so much for your time and responses,



    Hi Mulberry,

    First of all thank you for such a lovely response and for taking the time to read my post.

    I’ve had quite a few blood tests recently but I can’t see any for calcium. In September I was rushed in to hospital after a serious burn accident and these are the most recent blood results I have. They say, ‘abnormal but expected’ on the full blood count and I can see my white blood cells were nearly twice as high as a routine blood test I’d had a couple of weeks before for something else. No surprise with the state I was in upon arrival at hospital. I’d also had morphine and ketamine injections and I don’t know if the ketamine was before or after my blood was taken but morphine definitely was administered before and I have no idea if they impact on anything resultwise? I’m posting what I have though from that day as they are the most recent ones to see if anything stands out as I have no idea what I’m looking for. Looking at figures in brackets I think most look fairly normal?

    UREA & ELECTROLITES (Abnormal but expected)
    Serum Sodium – 138 mmol/L (133.0-146.0)
    Serum Potassium – 3.2 mmol/L (3.5-5.3)
    Serum Creatinine – 76 umol/L (43.0-71.0)
    eGFR- 82 mL/min
    Serum Urea Level – 4.1 mmol/L (2.5-7.8)

    Serum total bilirubin level – 8 umol/L (0.0-20.0)
    Serum alkaline phosphatase level – 32 u/L (30.0-130.0)
    Serum total protein level 67 g/L (57.0-76.0)
    Serum albumin level – 44 g/L (35.0-50.0)
    Serum globulin level – 23 g/L (18.0-32.0)

    FULL BLOOD COUNT (Abnormal but expected)
    Haemoglobin concentration – 129 g/L (119.0-149.0)
    Total white blood count – 9.30 (3.7-10.0)
    Platelet count observation – 438 (150.0-450.0)
    Red blood cell count – 4.71 (3.85-4.9)
    Haematocrit 0.38 L/L (0.35-0.46)
    Mean cell volume – 81.3 f/L (82.0-100.0)
    Mean cell haemoglobin level – 27.4 pg (27.0-32.5)
    Mean cell haemoglobin concentration 337 g/L (316.0-365.0)
    Red blood cell distribution width – 15.3 (12.2-15.4)
    Neutrophil count – 5.4 (1.7-6.6)
    Lymphocyte count – 3.1 (1.0-3.0)
    Monocyte count – observation – 0.5 (0.2-0.8)
    Eosinophil count – observation – 0.2 (0.05-0.45)
    Basophil count – 0.0 (0.0-0.1)

    Not sure if any of the above are particularly relevant but I would be grateful for any advice if anything is noticeable in the above as I have no idea what most of the tests mean.

    You’ve certainly helped put a bit of perspective on things for me though as I have clearly driven myself to very worst case scenario after my Doctor Google research.

    I really hope that you are doing well now following your diagnosis.

    Thanks again,
    Emily x

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