glynnis replied to the topic multiple fractures… in the forum Newcomers 6 years, 10 months ago
Hi Mike,
thank you so much for your reply it has made me feel better especially after a long day at hospital again and the news was my husband has not got another fracture just they suspect muscle pain. So maybe we can look up now Mike as I have told him about your email as he has been sure that he will not be long for this world. I do h…[Read more]
glynnis posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago
Ann, thanks so much for your reply. I am up early again as sleep for me is difficult. My husband was never offered a back brace and stem cells were spoken of but now they are saying his age is against him. This was never an issue at first as he never looked his age and everyone one at the hospital was saying his biological age was a lot…[Read more]
glynnis replied to the topic multiple fractures… in the forum Newcomers 6 years, 10 months ago
my husband has had mm for 8 months 2 spinal fractures and collapse on the lower spine. He has had 7 months of chemo injections, thalidaminde, steroids and zonate drip. 6 weeks ago he had kyphoplasty and he spine is horrendous he has already spent 6 weeks in hospice to control the pain but the side effects from the treatment are horrendous. He…[Read more]
glynnis became a registered member 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi alumnus
Sorry to hear about your husband.
It is nearly a year to the day that my husband was diagnosed with mm.
This was via A&E has His sternum had fractured and he had 4 spinal fractures.
Much like your dear husband,mine was a fit 63 year old working everyday on our small farm,and the gp kept saying it was muscle pain.!!!
He could lie down…[Read more]
Ann, thanks so much for your reply. I am up early again as sleep for me is difficult. My husband was never offered a back brace and stem cells were spoken of but now they are saying his age is against him. This was never an issue at first as he never looked his age and everyone one at the hospital was saying his biological age was a lot…[Read more]