Thank you Mulberry for your reply. It’s so reassuring to hear positive stories, when waiting for these results.
I know that I need to be patient and wait for the BM results, as everyone is different. I hope its before Christmas, as I am in limbo and need to decide who to tell and when. I’d love the diagnosis to be MGUS or Smoldering but with the amount of Lambda free light chains I can’t think I will be that lucky.
I too was tested for Hashimotos but it was clear. As you said, once you have one autoimmune disease you are more susceptible to get others. I think there may well be a link between these types of diseases. My MS is pretty stable and known I have had it since 2009. I more wonder if it is the MS medication which could have had an impact. The last drug caused BCC skin cancer, so currently not on any medication as was about to start ofatumumab, which is now on hold.
In terms of your second opinion, would you recommend? I think my consultant who I have not actually seen (just the registrar) is the same one who I would see private potentially so probably no point. However I wonder if the treatment plan would be different for private patients?
Thank you for taking the time to reply 🙂