Eve thank you
I have been looking at the site but not posting I have just done a posting a neuropathy. Its been a tough few weeks. We had a great holiday with our daughter her husband and my sons grand children, shame he couldn't be there.
Mike came out of hospital no compression of the spine. He has only had velcade as a treatment 4 1/2 cycles. They seem to struggle to know what to do for Mike because of the stroke he had 11 years ago, a lot of the treatment can cause clots so he cant have them. He is very up and down at the moment. He says he is not going to have anymore treatment, not sure if he means it or not. He is having a lot of pain in his legs and he is finding that hard. Back at the hospital on the 12th I want us to see the main man and want some honest talking.
I have been back to work on half days last week and this, that seems to be fine, I still get a bad feeling in my chest when I have to go in and I am just finding it hard. I think the stress has caused my brain not to recall or retain information connected with work. I am thinking of giving it all up and get my pension and do some part time work. I have a very responsible job as a business manager.