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    Eve, I am still working but my GP signed me off for two weeks if that is not enough I will have some more time out. I have felt so worn out and exhausted with all the emotional strain. I am due to be made redundant later this year and will be taking retirement. If necessary I will see if we can bring it forward.
    Mike went all day without the machine and he did his biggest walk ever. The nursing care he is have is second to non. One to one care all of the time. Think he had a little crush on his nurse yesterday, so he must be feeling better.




    Good news, as you say never give up



    Mike was up getting Zometa on Monday and his Doctor came on the ward and he gave him a mouth wash and some tablets, cant remember the name. Seems to be doing the trick seems a lot better already



    My husband has neuropathy pain. It has been really bad at times. He is now taking Oxycontin this helps and he has oramorph for break out pain. It was the Velcade that gave it him, he had 4 1/2 cycles before they stopped it, he was getting all this pain a problem with his walking they thought he had a spinal compression but thank goodness he didn't. the Velcade also was not reducing the PP level so that is why they stopped it. He has now started Revlimid with dex, lets hope that sort things out



    hi maureen. I have read some of your posts. be strong you have a lot of adjusting to do take one day at a time and look after yourself.



    I took mike to the doctors yesterday he was in tears with the pain they have put him on oxycodone. a slow releasing pain killer. he seems ti be a bit better today



    do I take it that as no-one has responded that there is no-one who has had this treatment. if that is the case I'm a little worried



    thanks for the response. Mike Is not on gabapentin he us on pregablin already on the highest dosage. he is spending most of his time in bed asleep. I'm going to get t he doctors to check that there is nothing else wrong with him.



    Eve thank you
    I have been looking at the site but not posting I have just done a posting a neuropathy. Its been a tough few weeks. We had a great holiday with our daughter her husband and my sons grand children, shame he couldn't be there.

    Mike came out of hospital no compression of the spine. He has only had velcade as a treatment 4 1/2 cycles. They seem to struggle to know what to do for Mike because of the stroke he had 11 years ago, a lot of the treatment can cause clots so he cant have them. He is very up and down at the moment. He says he is not going to have anymore treatment, not sure if he means it or not. He is having a lot of pain in his legs and he is finding that hard. Back at the hospital on the 12th I want us to see the main man and want some honest talking.

    I have been back to work on half days last week and this, that seems to be fine, I still get a bad feeling in my chest when I have to go in and I am just finding it hard. I think the stress has caused my brain not to recall or retain information connected with work. I am thinking of giving it all up and get my pension and do some part time work. I have a very responsible job as a business manager.



    glad to say no spinal compression. they are thinking of doing some radiotherapy, the pain has been from neuropathy pain. they have put him on morphine, tablet and oral and increased the pregabalin. he looks a lot better. they are probably going to stop the velcade but we will know more next Thursday



    I don't have mm , my husband does, but I have had a full knee replacement December, my knee has become quite tight and swollen over the last two weeks, it's all part of the recovery so I don't think it's your drugs, but if you are worried let someone know



    I understand at mr mark cook at queen Elizabeth hospital Birmingham is a regular speaker for mm and is one of the best in this field, My husband is under his clinic. Mark is alo a specialist in stem cell treatment



    Well on the 2nd cycle Mike PP dropped to 26, news tonight the result on 3rd cycle 30. He has just finished cycle 4. Won't know what that result is for three weeks. They have put the Dex back up to 20mg to see if that can bring the PP level down. They were thinking that they would stop the treatment as at cycle 4 if level hadn't halved they would top as its not funded, but they are going to get it through on the 26 level as that was half. He started at 55 and not 60 like I thought. If it doesn't drop on the next round they will stop the treatment. Not sure what that means for mike as they have always been a little cautious in treating him due to the stroke he had. I hate this MM.



    Sorry to hear you have been taken off tit. You were slightly in front off my husband he is on the fourth cycle. He is getting odd pains all over. In his Legs and back mainly. They put him on a morphine based painkiller can't remember the name but he is stil complaining. I really think the heat is not helping, we re back at the hospital on Thursday wait see what they say then.

    Do you have holiday insurance or do go with out any to France.



    They have given mike a moraine based pain killer and some oral morphine as well. I spoke to his chemo nurse and the may get mike in for some X-rays of his back to see if anything is going . So all is ok I suppose. Go doctor thought that he didn't have spinal compression.

    Hope he sleep tonight

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