Hi Clare, your post took me back to when I was first diagnosed 20 months ago. Went to GP with flu like symptoms and aching ribs, she took bloods and 2 days later I was admitted as a priority, My blood numbers were off the scale, the diagnosis was such a shock. I was on chemo a week later. I had cracked ribs, fractured sternum and didn’t know – during early days of treatment my pain did increase and I struggled to walk BUT they did get on top of it, quite quickly really. I Now take 15 mg slow release Oxycodone Hydrochloride morning and night, with liquid Oxynorm if I experience and break through pain. This works for me and I’m generally pain free, most of the time. I’m due to go in for my Stem Cell Transplant on 7th Sept. it’s been a long time waiting for my Free Light Chains to come down low enough to be ready for SCT – but I was told I shouldn’t have to tolerate pain, so keep nagging until they sort the pain for your husband, I’m sure they will. Good Luck!