
  • Well Karen, you’ve had some day – seems like everyone’s after your blood! It is awful finding that the hospital appointments take over your life. I felt like that at the start of this journey, but hopefully after the 22nd it’ll just be 2 monthly. Thank you for the info about the bloods – I’m not surprised they need an armful going by the number of…[Read more]

  • Thanks Ted,

    I’ll know what to ask for when I’m there.   I realise the doc doesn’t know much about the Myeloma, she just goes by the letter from the Consultant. I only go to my GP for other stuff, like two chest infections in 6 weeks!!

    i hope everyone is doing as well as they can be, I’m enjoying this glorious weather we’re having at the moment…[Read more]

  • Great news Susie, I hope they can sort out the compressions and help your arthritis. It’s sad isn’t it, I don’t think there’s one of us with just Myeloma, we’ve each other problems that don’t help very much! I was surprised you went in your MRI feet first , never heard of that before!

    Enjoy your time before your next appointment, and I hope it…[Read more]

  • karrieanne changed their profile picture 10 years, 8 months ago

  • karrieanne changed their profile picture 10 years, 8 months ago

  • karrieanne changed their profile picture 10 years, 8 months ago

  • karrieanne changed their profile picture 10 years, 8 months ago

  • Thanks Karen, I might have a word at the Surgery to see if I too can have mine done 2 weeks before. It seems a bit pointless going to see the Consultant without having had them done. You’re so right, the NHS is most definitely one of the best things this country has. I wonder why you have such a long wait though, I’ll have to wait till my…[Read more]

  • Hi Karen,  that’s great – another two months eh?  I hope you’re feeling well, making the most of this good weather that we’re having. Did you say that you might be going away after this appointment? If so I hope you have a lovely time.

    I hope you don’t mind my asking – did you have your blood tests done before you saw the Consultant? I haven’t b…[Read more]

  • It is great Ted that you’ve been smouldering for 7 years and very unfortunate Nick that you only had 2 months before treatment. I’m newly diagnosed, I was okay at the end of May and I have my next appointment in July. It is scary, I also have Coeliac disease and osteoporosis, when I had mt Dexa scan to measure density I had a lot of bone thinning.…[Read more]

  • Hi Karen, thank you for your reply of 10th. I have had a lot of time to read the Myeloma UK site, it really is full of information.

    There are an awful lot of people in a worse state than I am.

    Two monthly monitoring to see how the Myeloma is progressing sounds good, now why didn’t I think of that? You have a wealth of advice for which I’m…[Read more]

  • A lovely lady KP was very interesting, she too is new to all this and it was nice to be able to share, although at present I’ve not much to share. One dose of Radiotherapy has actually given me my life back though so I’m thrilled about that. Other than that there’s no treatment, just watch and wait – and what ? Worry or put it to the back of my…[Read more]

  • Thank you Karen for your reply, I was in Oz for 4months with my 2 boys and their families (my only family) when my back pain got so bad I went to their GP, within 2weeks I was diagnosed with MM. Had I stayed over there I would have started treatment the following week (March 31st) but I came home, had all the tests again and still the same…[Read more]

  • I’ll go by Karrieanne  ( there’s another Karen ). I to have been diagnosed with Asymptomatic Myeloma, having had all the scans, blood tests and the bone marrow biopsy I’m. Now on two monthly appointments. I don’t know any of the figures, that is the para proteins  and light chains etc., I didn’t think to ask for them. I’m wondering if it’s b…[Read more]

  • I’ve had radiotherapy treatment on my back two weeks ago so I’m hoping that’s going to help the pain.

  • @susie I was initially diagnosed while abroad, treatment to start the next week! However I came home instead and since all the tests and another bone marrow biopsy I’ve been told I’m smouldering myeloma and I’ve to have blood tests every two months. It’s so confusing and yes, I do feel like I’m sitting on a time bomb. I don’t know whether to be…[Read more]