
  • keen replied to the topic A Salty Problem in the forum General 14 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Keith, so glad yor salty problem is resolved. How are you after your Velcade? I have just had the first of my 8 injections, so far, so good. Am hoping you have gone straight into remission. Love Sylvia

  • Thanks Bridget, as we speak we are getting ready for another little treat, combining an overnight stay with a visit to my husband's sister.I am embarrassed to admit I have yet to try including photos but I will give it a go.Keep well. Sylvia x

  • Thanks Bridget I may well ask. I remember the surgeon talking about pain relief patches.Your saying 'going to do the Sunday roast' cheered me up. A couple of weeks ago I did good old Spag Bol, the first meal I had cooked for a year. My poor long-suffering husband has had to do everything, cooking, shopping, cleaning,washing and ironing and has…[Read more]

  • Thanks Tom, isn't it nice that Spring is just around the corner? It makes so much difference when the ole sun is shining, as it is here today, especially when you are stuck in a chair for hours on end. The pleasure then comes from a sunny day looking out over the garden and the thought of better days to come. Love Sylvia

  • Hi Bridget, thanks again for your reply. Yes it seems our cases are different. I do still get pain around my back, waist but it is hard to know how much is from the op and how much from MM so you just don't know what, if any will go, or what you are stuck with. I take 2 Cocodomol 4 times a day and anything upto 6x5ml of Oramorph depending on how I…[Read more]

  • Hi Bridget, thank you so much for your reply and from a fellow 'operation' patient. Yours sounds even worse than mine I am so pleased you have made agood recovery from that. Your info was very useful, I suppose my big question is were you bent over before you op and if so are you upright now?You say it was four years ago. How long would you say…[Read more]

  • Hi Tom, thanks for the intro to this newby! If you read my reply to Gaye you will see how amused I was by her description too. She and I would be like 2 peas in a pod as I am a young 70 year old but bent!The Dex I had last year does not seem to have affected me as others have experienced so now I feel I missed out I could do with a surge of…[Read more]

  • Gaye what a delight you are! I almost wish I was returning to Barts just so I could run into you, two bent up old crones with sticks, what a picture!However on a serious note, as MM has returned I won't be considering SCT for the time being which was why I was there,nor have I agreed to Clinical Trials as I feel I need to concentrate on my…[Read more]

  • Hi Keith, thank you so much for your response. As with Gaye I had read several of your posts so knew you had started Velcade.I am so glad for you it has started well. How good is it when pain subsides! Long may it continue.With regard to my surgery I had no choice, I would have become more and more bent over apparently so it had to be done. So now…[Read more]

  • Gaye, thank you for responding and so quickly. I have read many of your posts today ( first time for me on the Forum) and feel very privileged to hear from you. Yes I was to have had the Kyphoplasty but unfortunately my condition deteriorated whilst I was having my first course or treatment so I had to have a more serious procedure involving…[Read more]

  • Just want to know if anyone out there has had spinal surgery as a result of collapsed vertebrae. I am new to this site so maybe if I keep looking I might find something anyway. I was diagnosed last January and responded well to treatment, in recession after 3 months. My surgery delayed my referral for SCT so when I finally saw the specialist at…[Read more]