Hello Panda.
Thank you so much for starting this discussion. I have been thinking about registering to join this forum for a couple of weeks, but your query has made me do it. You already seem very organised and clear-thinking about your diagnosis. My husband was diagnosed very unexpectedly 5 weeks ago (has had a bad back for years) and started treatment more or less immediately. I was in a complete whirl- and so was he, naturally. I realised that I needed to ‘get a grip’ to deal with the 10 types of medication, but I did a spreadsheet, and we are more OK about it now.
You will be given the contact details of a Specialist Nurse, and ours has been very helpful – any minor worries and she is there during the week, or I can send an email, which she responds to very quickly.
I hope that you will get answers to all your questions on your next appointment. It’s probably good if you can take someone along with you (our hospital allows this – actively encourages it) for the first appointment as they can take notes for you or possibly remember things to ask.
I don’t know the answer about grandchildren. We don’t have any, but we are being very careful not to go to places with lots of children or adults – not just for avoiding Covid (both double-jabbed), but any other type of infection can be a problem when you are taking medication that suppresses the immune system. Even our adult children do not come and stay overnight unless they have previously taken a test and have avoided socialising.
Good wishes to you for keeping well and active.