mandyphillips41 started the topic Bone Pain in the forum Related conditions 11 years, 2 months ago
I was diagnosed on 12th October 2012 with Multiple Myeloma and I am now 6 months post stem cell transplant and I am feeling terrible pains in my body mainly back, down shins to the top of my feet and down my fingers. I have seen a (sorry about the spellings) neurologist, rhuematologist and a back specialist. I have had a kyphoplasty, carpel tunnel on both wrists. I have also been having steroid injections 4 weekly to try to manage the pain. I am on 70 mg of oxycodone twice a day, amitryptiline, gabapentin, celebrex and oxynorm. I have Zoledronic Acid every 4 weeks to strengthen my bones.
Some mornings I cannot get out of bed because the bone pain is so severe then it takes a good 45 minutes for my body to wake up, I am then ok (ish) until around tea time then the tiredness sets in and I am normally tucked up in bed around 7pm thats when the bone pain starts again.
Does anybody else suffer this and if so, what are you doing for this. Some nights I lay awake imagining all sorts but mostly that I have secondary cancer – the imagination in the middle of the night can be awful
I am going to try again tomorrow and I am going to speak with the Nuerology specialist to see if there is anymore he can do as I just want my life back to how it used to be.
Mandy x
Hi Mandy!
Likewise I have a lot of pain post transplant (April 2012) and getting worse. Skull, shoulder, ribs. left hip, both knees and left ankle and foot. Fingers and neuropathy do not help either! However, do not despair, Oxycontin and Oxynorm help with pain management, as does radiotherapy when required. A simple walking stick helps with mobility and switching to an automatic makes driving a lot easier and much more pleasurable. I actually feel more for my Mrs who strugglkes with my MM much more than I. Hope your pain decreases and you manage to live life more fully! Take care and have a happy and painfree new year!
Hi Jimbob & thanks for the reply. I fully agree, I feel so sorry for my ever patient husband he must really be fed up with my ailments. I went back to my G.P just before Christmas & apart from the OxyContin & Oxynorm she has changed my medication to see if this helps. This change took place 10 days ago and all this has done is make me feel sick all of the time & not being able to eat. Kind of a catch 22 really, I need to eat for all the tablets I am on but constant sickness it is very hard to do so. I don’t know the answers and u am fed up now of asking the questions. I am now at a loss of what to do anymore. I am pleased that you are doing ok and yes I have an automatic car and I love it. Take care Jimbob. I have added you to my friends list on here maybe we an give each other tips. Thanks again. Mandy x