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  • #112651


    Well, SHE (my MP) is actually a Tory, and like everyone else has conceded that Healthcare is to be rationed for the foreseeable future.

    “Meddling” by politicians actually CREATED the NHS in the first place! A novel concept of healthcare – to be provided on the basis of  NEED, not the ability to pay. A principle that remains cherished and supported by the vast majority in this country.

    Nye Bavan said it would last as long as people ” had the faith and were prepared to fight for it”. I’m not sure how this is related to”failing Marxist/Communism”. The NHS is hardly a bastion of that.

    Anyway, let’s not distess “dusk” any more who clearly wants more PRACTICAL help and advice, and take the discussion off-line



    Whilst I appreciate that this is  not a “campaigning  website”, but rather One to share experiences and give support/advice,  it does no harm to mention these sort of practices to your MP.

    The NHS is there to provide the best treatment or us all, and costs should not play a part in determining medical treatment.

    *stands back, expecting a flaming*



    Well, this article is self-explanatory.  Nexavar has been priced by Bayer knowing that it would not be affordable in developing countries, but in the UK, you’ll be fine.

    I’m sorry you feel so anxious about  your chemo. But you must sit down and talk to your Consultant. Understand what’s going to happen to you, the treatment, side-effects and so on. They will be more than willing to explain everything.

    Myeloma UK produce lots of useful information, and there’s plenty to read here. Be pro-active, and make a list of the questions you have.  If you don’t fully understand the answers you receive, say so and push further. Others will tell you that the more you understand about this disease, the easier it is to cope with.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by  mark-l.


    Indeed. What is so sad is that the Researchers in the big Pharma companies are totally dedicated to their work, and really strive to help mankind.

    These sorts of decisions are made by business people at the top of the Pharma companies with one eye on their stock options.

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