misswoosie started the topic IgM Paraprotein and Anti-MAG antibodies in the forum Related conditions 6 years, 11 months ago
Could anyone out there shed any light on Anti-MAG neuropathy? I have a small amount of IgM paraprotein and have just found out from my Haematologist that I have raised Anti-MAG antibody levels. Fits with my some of my symptoms ie pins and needles in feet and hands and sensations that something is stuck to my foot when it’s not. Also ataxia (poor…[Read more]
misswoosie started the topic Anti MAG antibodies in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 6 years, 11 months ago
Anyone out there have raised Anti MAG antibody levels? I had a paraprotein (IgM) detected over a year ago and was just being followed up by GP but as I had ongoing health problems I asked for a re referral. Because I mentioned some problems with feeling in my feet and balance he checked my Anti MAG antibody level and they’re raised.
He’s r…[Read more]
lucifer and misswoosie are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago
misswoosie replied to the topic "Possible" MGUS 3 months ago,awaiting results of repeat blood/urine in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 7 years, 6 months ago
Thanks Graham. I’m not under follow up at a hospital, which is why I asked for a re-referral to haematology a few weeks ago. I don’t have confidence in the GP’s and they’ve never discussed paraproteins with me and I haven’t seen a haematologist since the paraprotein was picked up last November. As I said before, I used to be a Nurse P…[Read more]
misswoosie replied to the topic 'Telephone Appointments' – Subject Access Requests in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 7 years, 6 months ago
Have you spoken to PALS?
misswoosie replied to the topic "Possible" MGUS 3 months ago,awaiting results of repeat blood/urine in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 7 years, 7 months ago
Hi everyone. Just read through all my posts and realised I din’t say that my para-protein is in the IgM immunoglobulin. I only have measurement for IgM, so I assume that the monoclonal protein is so small it’s not measurable. Interestingly my IgM level is right at the top of the normal limit and had gone down between March and June (I don’t know…[Read more]
misswoosie replied to the topic "Possible" MGUS 3 months ago,awaiting results of repeat blood/urine in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 7 years, 7 months ago
Sorry for delay, but I had to reset my password and it was so fussy about password strength and I was so tired at the time with brain fog I just gave up! I’m just waiting to go for my next lot of monitroing bloods and did manage to get GP (he was running 20mins behind so just wanted us out) to re refer to haematologist so have appt in October.…[Read more]
misswoosie replied to the topic "Possible" MGUS 3 months ago,awaiting results of repeat blood/urine in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 7 years, 9 months ago
Good that you had all the tests by a fertility specialist. I think stress affects us more than we think. you hear of people who have problems trying to conceive and go through fertility treatment with no success and then after they stop all the treatment they conceive naturally. I hope that you can get things sorted and that the monster protein…[Read more]
misswoosie replied to the topic "Possible" MGUS 3 months ago,awaiting results of repeat blood/urine in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 7 years, 9 months ago
Lucy, so sorry about your miscarriages. Not surprised you were stressed and anxious afterwards.
I don’t know much about MM and all these protein levels etc even though I was a Clinical nurse specialist because my area then was anticoagulation (managing people who were on anticoagulants) and Deep vein thrombosis etc so wondering if you’ve been…[Read more]
misswoosie replied to the topic "Possible" MGUS 3 months ago,awaiting results of repeat blood/urine in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 7 years, 9 months ago
Sorry , meant to say, have they checked your urine? Mine was normal in March, but they didn’t do one in May and I thought they should have done.
misswoosie replied to the topic "Possible" MGUS 3 months ago,awaiting results of repeat blood/urine in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 7 years, 9 months ago
Hi Lucy,
Yes, I’m thinking that it’s non quantifiable. On the May results it said ” previous non-quantifiable ……….” (Sorry- have put my results out of sight delibarately until after hols). I guess I haven’t been diagnosed with MGUS either then. When I got the phone call from surgery out o fthe blue to go and have bloods done I asked GP to…[Read more]
misswoosie replied to the topic "Possible" MGUS 3 months ago,awaiting results of repeat blood/urine in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 7 years, 9 months ago
Hi Lucy,
Well, yes, but only because I asked for a print out, and then they haven’t given me the full results from March, so I’m a little confused. I’m astounded actually. GP has never mentioned anything about the paraprotein ,explained what they mean, or asked to see me to see if I have any new symptoms etc (not sure what symptoms if any are…[Read more]
misswoosie replied to the topic "Possible" MGUS 3 months ago,awaiting results of repeat blood/urine in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 7 years, 9 months ago
Hi Cygnet,
Thanks for the reply. I spoke to the GP yesterday and the blood test in March was positive ie has gone from “a possible small band in the gamma region” (and haematology laboratory suggesting it was checked in 3 months) to having a measurable quantifiable paraprotein requiring serial bloods 3 monthly for a year in March.However, GP…[Read more]
misswoosie replied to the topic "Possible" MGUS 3 months ago,awaiting results of repeat blood/urine in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 7 years, 9 months ago
Thank you. Health hasn’t been my normal for over a year now. I don’t know what the reuslt of the last blood and urine test for paraproteins was ( beginning of March). The GP surgery told me know further action was required when I called for the results, so I assumed there were no paraproteins. In Nov last year the serum electrophoresis report said…[Read more]
misswoosie replied to the topic New system to measure Paraproteins in the forum General 7 years, 9 months ago
I know this thread is older, but thiught I’d respond anyway.
The message “If the pp’s are above 5 after October 2016, then there could be a 20-30 per cent shown increase” would be from the Haematology Laboratory. They’ve probably changed their analyser (machine) that they use to do the blood tests on. The other option is that they’ve changed t…[Read more]
misswoosie replied to the topic "Possible" MGUS 3 months ago,awaiting results of repeat blood/urine in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 7 years, 9 months ago
Hi there. Feeling somewhat shocked. Just received a phone call from GP’s surgery asking me to make an appointment to have bloods checked as they’ve had a letter from Haematologist saying that(according to receptionist) “bloods need to be checked 3 monthly in the first year”. Now I understood that’s the case with a positive test (although surgery…[Read more]
misswoosie replied to the topic "Possible" MGUS 3 months ago,awaiting results of repeat blood/urine in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 8 years ago
Hi and thank you Cygnet. I spoke to GP reception yesterday morning regarding bloods and was told GP had said no futher action required,so I assume that means no para protein. The haematologist (in letter to GP after my OP appt in Nov last year) suggested that GP should check blood and urine in 3 months time and re -refer to haematology if they…[Read more]
misswoosie replied to the topic "Possible" MGUS 3 months ago,awaiting results of repeat blood/urine in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 8 years ago
Hi and thank you Cygnet. I spoke to GP reception regarding bloods and was told GP had said no futher action required,so I assume that means no para protein. The haematologist (in letter to GP after my OP appt in Nov last year) suggested that GP should check blood and urine in 3 months time and re -refer to haematology if they were positive. I’m…[Read more]
misswoosie started the topic "Possible" MGUS 3 months ago,awaiting results of repeat blood/urine in the forum Smouldering myeloma / MGUS 8 years ago
I’m new here. I was referred to a Haem by GP because blood tests for a suspected DVT detected abnormal (extended) blood clotting times which after being checked by GP twice over the next month were still abnormal. I’d seen my GP several times in the previous year because of fatigue and extreme tiredness, joint pains,rib pain, irregular heart…[Read more]
misswoosie became a registered member 8 years ago